james_gilliland_alw_131221This interview seemed to be pertinent for this now moment for some reason, with some very interesting things presented.

I have taken the audio and compressed it a bit so the volumes are more equalized, and it is easier to hear James. MP3s are below.

MP3s (23 min., 5 MB per part)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Complete show (1:09, 16 MB)


James Gilliland (in Mexico): Interdimensional ET/UFOs decloak over Mexico. NWO will implode upon itself?

VANCOUVER, BC - In an ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, James Gilliland reviews the openness of Mexican society to the activity of interdimensional ET/UFOs decloaking over Mexico and discusses how the Iluminati/NWO will implode upon itself.

Note: The video in this interview is raw, unedited footage.


Self Healing and Leadership

"We spoke earlier about the incoming energies one wave peaking just after Thanksgiving with a build up before and assimilation period after. Now we are moving into the second wave which is exponentially stronger than the last wave. If you were resisting the process, in denial and shifting into blame and projection this next wave will be even more intense. Many ask when are the Ets going to help. This is help, it is coming from the spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders, the ultradimensionals which would better be refered to as the greater family of man/woman. They know how to work on the level of cause or consciousness as well as working with the consciousness and energy grids of the planet. This is where the real power resides yet this does not diminish the need for hands on work in the physical. Much of this is up to us. There is a saying God helps those who help themselves. This is universal law and fits within the prime directive. Because there has been so much interference and manipulation by the regenerate Ets they are having to intervene for the sake of humanity and the earth. This does not however diminish the need for the ground crew, the awakened ones on earth to do their part.