paoweb_globegrid46Kp note: the only comment I will add here is that the Office of Poofness message this week says a similar thing about the reset.


11 Imix, 4 Mol, 10 Caban

Selamat Jarin! We come now to talk about a few important things so you can prepare for what lies ahead of you. A movement has begun that will lead you to prosperity and to new governance. Be aware that the world you knew since you were born is fading away by leaps and bounds. The dark cabal that has run your world for millennia is losing its grip. The first part of a global currency reset is upon you. This will alter how the world's currencies are to be used. The next part of this monetary process will bring in the first broad stroke of the prosperity funds. These funds will be the harbinger for new governance, and this new governance will declare a grand "jubilee" to rescind all debt. Moreover, there will be a vast transformation in the banking and financial services industry that will forever change how these various financial institutions operate. These new rules will enforce policies to end the tyranny that these financial institutions spread across this globe. In its stead, freedom and personal sovereignty will blossom once again.

The main reason behind all of this is consciousness and disclosure. Every major follower of science on your world intuitively knows that consciousness is on the rise. Heaven has decreed so and the Angel guardians that watch over your spiritual and physical selves have implemented a regimen meant to achieve these goals. The rise in your body's base frequency and the emergence of new chakras in your physical selves are just a part of this sacred procedure. Another is the deeper integration between your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies with your physical self. This operation is likewise altering your RNA/DNA. Even your pineal gland is mutating. All of this is making you more aware of the consciousness shift going on. You watch the skies and see us. You learn in your rising curiosity that many ancient mysteries point to a different history and different explanations of what is occurring in your land, sea and air. This is part of a greater plan to make disclosure both probable and palpable to you!