poofness_matura_font_blue_thank_you2American Kabuki clearly received my telepathic message about this, when I suggested (telepathically) that he/we re-release the Poof interview (consultation) with Brian Kelly from last October. So he did so, at this link. I've converted the video to MP3s (I misplaced my original recording mp3s somewhere), for downloadable iPhone, iPod, MP3-player listening.

I recall days when I would travel in my vehicle and listen to this one over and over. I always felt a type of "uplift" when I listened. Perhaps you will, too.

Also, recall that Poof requested this be pulled from the internet, due to issues in/from Hong Kong. And Heather later picked up on this, and knew that "Hong Kong" referred to General Wong, who was a bit of a "progress blocker" for the transformation of the world financial systems. This also led to her contacting AK, Poof, and myself, and began the whole "snowball of the One People" rolling downhill, and picking up momentum.

This is the real Poof, and nothing but the real Poof.

(PS: I've added AK's comments from his post (written October, 2012). Just click the "Read more" to read them here.


MP3s (20 min., 7 MB, each) (volume leveled and boosted)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Complete show (64 min.; 22.2 MB)