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[Kp note: as I am in the midst of finishing my Hawaii apartment move out, I'm just posting the show link and Ginger's notes. If I get time for the MP3s, I'll add later.]


[Mahalo Ginger for taking and writing these notes each week!!!]

THE COLLECTIVE IMAGINATION SHOW – May 14th (US) / 15th (Australia) –
GingerSnap! Notes


- An invite to come join the 5D media network website, by posting picture - . . . and joining in on all globally fun!

- Again, clarification around the new site . . . This new site now REPLACES the old one ( . . . and it will also have a corresponding FaceBook site soon as well . . . (but NOT to be confused with Caleb's project XIII "facebook-like" site, yet to launch)

- Brian noted how interesting things are unfolding now, first with Julien & Bob's "The Transitioning" Saturdays (US) show that offers a process of remembering . . . and now his & Jake's Thursdays (US) show, "Be The Change" that offers ideas around how to embody the changes.

- Caleb's Project XIII Update . . . will launch later this month . . . but note, "Project XIII" is the basic platform that everything else will be built upon . . . and will be a replacement for Face Book (and minus all the FBook harvesting) . . . and the I-UV Exchange is built onto it, available afterwards . . . no hard deadlines . . . but please everyone . . . just set an intention for Caleb and his team to manifest with Great Ease of unexpected speed, Peace and Grace.

- News and some helpful historic background well worth hearing via D of RTS ( . . . "lots of things are happening right now, where sometimes it gets extremely quiet, then there is another flood of more news . . . and while certain reports have not been entirely true, they have been remarkably accurate! . . . like NESARA (John MacHaffie) re RV (revaluation of currencies) updates (but, some 2000 were NOT arrested last week) . . . things continue to move forward . . . and funny, last year when all the politicians, who thought they could get away with jumping the line with via their rv cash-in vouchers, got taken to the cleaners very badly . . .

- Historically during the 2nd Iraq war was first time the dinar was devalued . . . and strangely, the big money maker now is the dong (1mil for only about $3USD) . . . and it's all such a huge contrast now to what we the One People have been focused on . . . all while there is a self-consuming rampage (i.e. Cyprus) going on . . . as this bubble of illusion is disappearing fast, because what was conspiracy theories last year are now shared stories . . . however, their new financial system going online has to happen because people are beginning to figure out what's going on with lots more questions that cannot be answered anymore . . . as the old system template is no longer working very well.

- It's amazing what some younger people are now doing, like making 300 foreclosure flyers to hand out into their communities, or writing a thesis on the Bilderbergers (lol), and Chase Binnie's bank visit video illustrates that not much has to be said and to just stay within kindness and compassion . . .as just one of the people here assisting others.

- Again, can use Scott Barttle's site to send out flyers in mass -