Kp note: this has been coming up again and again and again, with many I know, and with myself. We are being STRONGLY confronted with what (in my mind) is holding us back... from moving forward, moving up, etc. Release, release, release. So I sense that this video will assist some who are moving through their own paradigm shifts, whether physical, mental, energetic.

Published on Jun 20, 2015
For those of you who have been keeping up with my current posts since the end of March, you know that I have been facing life-threatening challenges. However, I'm not the only one. My family too is being challenged, along with many of my friends. The challenges are not all the same though they all force us to take inventory. What do I believe? What do I want? Of course the answers will be as varied as there are people; however, the status quo cannot be maintained. Something has to give.