GoodETxSG_gravatar_150_66This is a note from Corey's FaceBook page. It refers to this Dr. Salla article.

...and no, I'm not posting it just because he mentions the Kp blog.


FaceBook post
KP's blog post's about Dr. Salla's new article about an obvious disinfo attempt storyline that was dropped by another researcher some time back. When these details were sent to Dr. Salla and Myself by this person after they posted a FAQ/Question to our website it sent up red flags by the dozens. Not only that but a person that was in fear of their life and on the run had clearly no idea how to hide their digital footprint online and were traced back to their country/city/block/apartment building within minutes of beginning the tracking. So much of this "Story" was just plain and obvious disinformation that when the person asked Dr. Salla to forward their contact info and the data to me I didn't want anything further to do with it. I honestly wouldn't have even written an article or done anything to bring attention to this person. That is me personally...

Dr. Michael Salla,, 6-17-15… "Mission to Mars: Disinformation to Hide Secret Mining of Red Planet"…/dr-michael-salla-exopol…/


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