kingdom_of_hawaii_seal_of_the_king_22hawaiian_kingdom_shield_36This is a series of five letters addressing the issues ongoing at Mauna a Wākea. Instead of posting each letter individually, I post the title of each and a direct link to the related Scribd documents (direct links to pdfs are available at the Kingdom of Hawa'i blog). For those interested in the Mauna Kea situation, and the ever-growing conscious awakening to the existence of the Kingdom of Hawai'i, these will likely be of interest.

6-27-15… "King's Letter to Governor Ige… 'Let Wisdom Prevail'"
Scribd document

6-29-15… "King's Letter to Governor Ige re: Disturbing Reports"
Scribd document

6-29-15… "King's Letter to Admiral Scott H. Smith"
Scribd document

6-29-15… "King's Letter to President Obama"
Scribd document

6-29-15… "King's Letter to United Nations Secretary General"
Scribd document