kauilapele_with_12-12-12_sun_P1000167_crop_10_8This will be short.

Involvements come and go. Standing as with feet in concrete regarding any involvement is not for me.

Flexibility is the Key... for my Self, at least.

I know that small mind wants to wrap around "stuff". Things, people, "gurus", groups... Just stuff.

"Mind", with capital M, the Higher Mind, the High-est Mind, is all I feel drawn to. And when the "mind" of KP aligns with that Higher Mind, flow is right on.

Higher Mind... that may be Cosmic Mind, Galactic Mind, Planetary (Gaia) Mind.

To this one (KP) all the rest is sub to that Higher Mind.

[Kp note: now, why I just wrote that, I do not know. But those who "get" it, know exactly why.]