20130217-095231.jpgI have no idea why I felt like posting this, right now. This was written by Tolec, from Andromedacouncil.com. Like I said, I have no idea why I felt this "should" be posted. Today. Now. In this moment.

Perhaps some of you will know.


Time of Transition for Planet Earth... A Time of Planet wide Earth Changes

The official beginning of the infusion of 4D, fourth dimensional, energy, will begin to affect Earth's solar system on 11.11.11 as it begins to encounter energy from the galactic equatorial plane region - as a universe & galactic wide harmonic frequency will open and affect this whole area of space.

Whether people call this phenomenon a stargate or portal this area of faster higher fourth dimensional energy is real. This historic date of 11.11.11 begins the infusion of 4D dimensional energy onto your planet. It will affect Earth & its people in a positive, uplifting way like never before experienced in your planet's history.

2012 - 2013

The saturation of this higher frequency vibration will continue from the end of 2011, through all of 2012, reaching full strength during the time of December 21, 2012 - which will bring a completely new, even higher level frequency vibration - such that the experience & measurement of time as the people of Earth have known it... will begin to go away. It will continue to go away and perpetually diminish throughout all of 2013.