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Well, there is a LOT going on. I'm just going to be quite "Self-centric" (meaning, "Higher-Self-centric", that is). Transformations. For sure.

When I may speak of "I", well, that means whatever phase of "I" is going on. There is kind of a loosening up, it seems. A loosening up of the former "Kp" image. Sorry, it had to go. There was no doubt, a couple weeks ago, that there was a new "phase of 'I'" that wanted to move in. The new "phase of 'I'" clearly had to have a new hair type. The older longer hair, which had been through a number of "Energy Missions", was done. Finished. Ka-Put. Had to go. Asked to go.

So that's a phase. Whatever you call it. And the deal is, the new "phase of 'I'" could either try to hold on to that former "phase of 'I'", r leet go of it. This "phase of 'I'" chose the latter.

My sense is that there are quite a number of folks out there who are going through similar things. Old "phases of 'I's" being released, and New "phases of 'I's" being stepped into (hopefully, not run into). But what does this "phase of 'I'" know, anyway? Who knows, maybe another "phase of 'I'" steps in, and, well, so long, goodbye, to that old, formerly new "phase of 'I'".

I can say this about that, though... The transformation, and flowing with that transformation, is what is important to this "phase of 'I'". It's the transformation process. And continuing to evolve. Oh, that's what it is... "Evolution."

So I do not care what kind of "phase of 'I'" you are in right now. There is always another "phase of 'I'" waiting for you. Unless you want to just sit back and stay in your current "phase of 'I'" for a long long time. I know of some "Light-type-workers" that have got stuck like that. And some "exposers of the truth" type people as well. Stuck... in their current "phase of 'I'".

Well, that's it for now.

This Current "Phase of 'I'"