
Ginger kittens... since I don't have a photo of Ginger (click to see what Ginger looks like in Spirit)

Pardon that long title. Anyway, Ginger sent this to me via email, and gave her okay for posting on this blog. So here it is.

I told her I felt some people would resonate with her message. This relates to what she "got" from listening to the 1-29-13 Collective Imagination show with Lisa Harrison and company, including Heather.

Ginger lives here in Kona, I occasionally see her at Java on the Rock, and she started a Kona-Occupy-Disclosure group several months ago. She is a delightful spirit of Light. I think you will enjoy this message.


Message from Ginger, 1-31-13...

Me Ke Aloha Heather, Randall, Caleb, Lisa, D, Kauila, American Kabuki, Brian, Loie, Claudia & "mald4444",

Since Heather forwarded my email letter to her regarding Lisa's last show to all of you, I am taking it as an invitation to send out to all of you, what I just sent out to my Kona Occupy Disclosure group tonight. Why?

This morning a friend called me wanting some help in understanding all that was discussed and decided upon during the show. After I did my best, she then strongly encouraged me to write it up and send it out to our group. It has taken me all day towards attempting to articulate how I understand it all. And so if any of you see any useful value in posting this on those that have sites, please feel free to do so. And please feel free to edit anything that is incorrect! My intentions are stated clearly in the opening paragraphs below. So up to you, and not invested in whether you wish to use it or not. Many many blessing to each of you for all for ALL you have contributed towards making this huge shift a reality.

I love you all Absolutely in appreciation Fun! and Joy, Ginger


Aloha All,

For those of you who did listen to Lisa Harrison's January 29th (30th in Oz) round table discussion
there was loads of non-duality multidimensional information put onto the table . . . and out in-public for the first time ever, by The Public Trust (Heather, et al) that was BIG! For some, this information was a multidimensional no-brainer. On the other hand, maybe some are still processing it all, therefore, in and out of fatigue and or energetic upgrade symptoms*.*

Since the information imparted was a major turning point for me, therefore, maybe others, the following is my best attempt to organize how I perceived 3 major points being made. And hopefully, to open up a larger dialogue for us all. As each of us are entering this huge multidimensional doorway being offered here, our brains are wired differently and we are each entering this doorway with some of the same reference points and different reference points around our current concepts of "reality" and therefore, how to change it.

But first a context . . . as "Light Workers" (meaning for me, those of us who are seekers of the truth within, as well as those seeking to know the real truth of Human history and Gaia, and or desiring spiritual inner growth) . . . within our own personal and inner spiritual work, we have come across more and more ancient useful information coming to light over the decades. However, it seems to me that at some point, we reach a place where no matter how much we attempt use "the secret" combined with the missing ingredients, or work with the nature spirits again, or other modalities, in general there still seem to be more or less limited results (ie, not many reports of instant healings or manifesting monies or my dreams in 1-2 weeks yet).

Off and on, I have felt extremely frustrated over hitting walls /that I KNOW are not there!/ Then I have to go into the Eastern teachings of "Acceptance" once again . . . but not liking it much . . . then forgiving myself in Ho'oponopono, combined with some cosmic-sent quirky bits of bad-joke humor . . . has all kept me from departing Kona without my surfboard or swim fins for China, sooo many times over the past year. And I know of many who can relate to this feels near-insane scenario.

So within this context for me, the 3 major Prime Points of this discussion was what I have been waiting for . . . that will allow me to more easily move out of duality and into the next level of multidimensional consciousness for my poor old half-fried 3D duality wired brain. This is why I am feeling sooo excited now! . . .

Given first, HOW Heather et al Trustees have given Humanity the key to Be Free again on paper (OPPT doc, UCC filings, CVACs) . . . and now combined with HOW we can begin to consciously re-create our new 5D reality/hologram . . . was all spelled out in Lisa's 29th/30th round table discussion.

The following is my best attempt to lay out what I got as the 3 Prime Points being made by Heather, that now, is the time for us to fully embrace . . .