This particular Poof message... I'm just reading and taking it in. Although I've personally had some input and participation in TOPPT discussions, and I feel all these pieces are coming together into finishing this grand puzzle. And it's not up to me, meaning, "my own self (small 's').
In the end, I sense that, on this planet at least, the Dragons are in charge of this (presumably the White ones), and what they say, goes. Been working on it for a few hundred (thousand?) years, for the benefit of humanity... They can do it when they want.
I wanted to convey to someone recently, "Better to fly with the dragons, than fly into their mouths. Pretty hot in there." Something like that.
- The folks in the rafters aren't doing updates on the web.
- As I said, some time ago, the announcements will fill in the details, not my job.
- If you have an assignment, you agree to it, you follow orders until such time, you fulfill that assignment.
- Instructions must be followed to the letter, which I see, the folks that got something are following the n/d to the letter. They shut up and have said nothing...
- For the rest of us waiting, our 'turn' is up.
- Stay loose it'll happen for you like a lightning bolt on a clear day, my statement to you is the weather is 'right' for that to happen.
- For god's sake no running around with your hair on fire.
- All is in order. Maybe not your idea of order...
Poofness 1-6-13... "Mark Twain Didn't Live Long Enough"
Greetings and Salutations
Lemme tell you, I am at the end of these missives every week. I see you've got other 'entertainment' now and I'm not interested enough to challenge every piece of stuff being thrown out under the guise of 'the facts'. The folks in the rafters aren't doing updates on the web. There's a big pot of stew out here boiling and there's way too many bones to pick out to enjoy it, like, 'Where's the Beef?' As I said, some time ago, the announcements will fill in the details, not my job.
If you have an assignment, you agree to it, you follow orders until such time, you fulfill that assignment. You don't go wondering [wandering] off, you stay on point... regardless of the head winds and the coral reefs. I used to live in the 'volunteer state', I gave up volunteering for anything, somebody needs to ask, that's the only way your work is 'received', anyhow. Other wise you get blamed for the failure. Instructions must be followed to the letter, which I see, the folks that got something are following the n/d to the letter. They shut up and have said nothing, good. They'll keep their goodies.
For the rest of us waiting, our 'turn' is up. And for the rest that couldn't 'hold' and had to make it all a bunch BS or impossible to do. Hold that thought and tell who ever shows up at your door, you aren't signing anything and tell them to leave you alone. The funds will be given to someone else, who Will help out in the world and get it green again. You can hope you don't fall over that fat lip you got poked out. Don't send me anything, I swear to God, I will Not respond. My part concludes and I Do know how to walk away and say nothing.
I hear my next assignment is a big fat book and that'll take a moment....or not. lolololol Stay loose it'll happen for you like a lightning bolt on a clear day, my statement to you is the weather is 'right' for that to happen. Watch the birds, and feel the wind, you won't miss it. For god's sake no running around with your hair on fire. All is in order. Maybe not your idea of order, but the east and the west are merging now, starting with the banking system. All the rest goes like dominoes.
Um outta here, have a great life.
Consultations until the doorbell rings.
Love and Kisses,

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