the_judge_a_messageFirst of all, this article is from D at RTS. Second of all, I have no idea exactly who "Judge Dale" is. But I liked what he's written here. And I have read a few documents he has written in the past ("The Great American Adventure"), and felt they would be helpful to a few, so I downloaded them and pdf-ed them, below. Feel free to download to your Heart's desire.

Now one part of this that resonated with me, he mentions his "Galactic contact". This is what attracted me to this article. We are all (some beginning, some farther along) recognizing and embracing our Galactic Citizenship. Part of that is caring for this planet. And I recognize now that this "OPPT (TOPPT) UCC" thing, is far beyond any "just planet Earth" deal. Anyway, more on that will come later. (SUGGESTION... Listen to the show)

Now here is the article from D at RTS. The pdf's are listed below that.


"And the Rest will Take Care of Itself"
January 28, 2013

[D of RTS] Judge Dale sent this to me last night. I love when the "data" presents itself. I love when minds come together to focus on the topic at hand.

The topic of "money" is one that is on everyone's mind, to the point that people have become hyper-focused on it. Don't get me wrong, I too am struggling financially and have my moments where thoughts of paying rent becomes my driving focus. And yet.... I know that the money isn't the real issue. IT has become the issue because we've been told over and over by every controller we've ever had that IT is the issue. We've been brainwashed by the government, religion, media, Hollywood, organized sports, music industry, educational institutions, medical associations, the fashionistas, car manufacturers, beer companies, the toy industry, and every other entity trying to get your constant attention that "MONEY MEANS EVERYTHING!!"

.... and what do they all have in common? Oh right! They want your money!

The best way to enslave a person is to convince them to put the shackles on all by themselves.

Hold up some pieces of paper and tell the people they NEED this piece of flattened wood pulp with ink on it, and convince them that it has a value that is vital to their existence and tell them that the only way they can GET this piece of paper is to enslave themselves to the system. So in reality, "Money" is just a figment of your imagination. It is only real because those who control it are telling you that it's real, that it's value is directly related to your happiness and well being.

So we return to the question and thoughts that I posted last week. What would you create if you had what you need?

By: Judge Dale

"The love of money is the root of all evil," (1 Timothy 6:10). I am not a religious man; a fanatic or philosopher by any stretch of the imagination and yet I admire how prophetic and profound this phrase has proven to be, as evidenced by mans excessive love for money; possessions and the political and moral history of human civilization.

Ironically, the only thing that money cannot buy is poverty, but then who wants poverty? You can't give it away and yet excessive wealth is responsible for all of it and much more. It's almost paradoxical!

Essentials such as food; clothing; shelter and transportation all have an inherent worth and dollar value assigned to them and who will provide and supply any of these commodities for free? Sounds totally heartless but perfectly logical and yet my Galactic contact inquired: "Why do you need money?"

Another paradox because my friend certainly wouldn't be asking that question of me if the Galactics used money, but if they don't, what fuels their initiative and commerce?

I thought I would be clever and responded to his question with a question: So, why don't you need money? Instead of a definitive response, the answer I received was: "You are immortal and know the answer to that question!" Don't you just hate when that happens; isn't it enough that I can hear voices?