Cobra has announced in this article that he will be holding conferences at 6 different locations throughout the world, starting with Turin in October, 2012. Some of you may have interest in attending.

For some reason I was particularly drawn to the St. Maarten conference in November. Maybe one reason is that is a famous airport there (Princess Juliana Airport) where people can stand behind the departing jets, hold on to the fence, and try to ride out the jet blast when planes take off. What a blast!


Cobra Conferences Around the World

As you probably know, there is the second Window of Opportunity for divine intervention that is opening very soon:

For this time window I have received clearance to go public in a limited way in a number of conferences around the world where people will receive more in-depth intel and will be able to ask questions. The locations of those conferences are strategically positioned on planetary vortex points to enhance the planetary Light body grid. The purpose of the conferences is twofold: to strengthen the planetary Light body with vortex activations and to bring some Light and clarity in the minds of dedicated lightworkers. Each of the conferences will be a unique energetic event. You can help making this viral by posting this information on your websites, blogs and facebook.

The official website for the conferences is here:

The first conference will be taking place in Turin, Italy, from October 26th to 28th. This conference will be positioned within the same energy vortex that has triggered the first Renaissance more than 500 years ago. Now the same vortex will start triggering the second Renaissance. On that conference certain developments of Operation Dreamland will be happening that can not yet be disclosed. Link to that conference is here:

The second conference will be in Austin, Texas, from November 9th to 11th. Within this conference we will be having a special activation on November 11th. The link is here:

The third conference will be in Charlotte, North Carolina, from November 16th to 18th. As we were making the initial preparations for this conference, this UFO has appeared in North Carolina:

The link to the North Carolina conference is here: