There is not much I feel I have to say on this day of traditional celebration. This day has often been a simple time of enjoying the day as any other day. Each moment is as precious as any other, in my mind, and none can eclipse another. One moment. That is all.

I will not speak any of the traditional speeches often heard around these holidays. But there is one piece that does come through, and that is, it is a time to BE at peace. Yes, each moment is a time, to BE at peace. No matter what.

By BEing at peace, and BEing with peace, we can help bring peace to all we encounter. Whether that be by person, by voice, by sight, or by blog.

I had a morning surprise today, of finding two long scratches on my rental car. Where they came from, and when they came, I do not know. Part of me felt violated. Part of me wanted to accuse people. Part of me wanted to bash a head or two. But a Higher Me just said, to all those other parts of me, "HEY... All is Well. Be at Peace. Be with Peace. Share that Peace with those who did this to your car. And All is Well."

Probably those "upset" parts of my self, when they saw those scratches, were saying, as David Wilcock sometimes proclaims, "Holy Crap!" Yes, I like that proclamation. Even what we may call or sense as "crap", is still part of the whole. Our whole. The whole unfolding of us. As individuals, as communities, as a world. So it (the "crap") IS Holy. Even the "crap" that I felt and that I was going through.

We are on the verge of a grand "de-crap-ification" of this planet. As the Higher incoming Light energies ramp up on this 12-25-11 day, and continue to ramp up exponentially over the next 3 weeks, we are soon to experience and actually see a grand "de-crap-ification" unfold before us. Let us enjoy that. Let us revel in the special feeling that comes after we have released our own "crap". As a wise person (a wise 'guy', I'm sure) has said, "I have seen the 'crap', and it is I. So I now release it, and watch it fly." (that's "fly away"; don't know about you, but I'm not going to try and grab it again).

Well, that's all for now. Returning to Hawaii in about 3 more days. Missions accomplished: Ships in Aspen on 12-12, snow in Aspen, on the 12-13, snow in New Mexico, closed I-25 on the day before I left (12-19), helped clear a bunch of old stuff there, saw MarkH, "fixed" him up (and vice-versa), met part of this blog's New Mexico contingent, came to Illinois, helped clear some defunct family stuff, and will soon enjoy Christmas day with loving parents (who really have NO idea how "far out" their son really is!) for the first time in about 10 years.

Then the next phase begins.

Love to all, on this day. In this moment. KP

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