Saturday, December 24, 2011

African Grey Parrots Are Great Talkers

Your AMAZINES.COM Subscription Article(s)

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Horse owners - Get ready for winters
by Toria Ross

The winter months are a challenge for horses and their owners. Horses and ponies must cope with everything the weather can throw at them, and owners must rise to the challenges of the extra care and attention needed by their four-legged friends. In winter, the days are short and the nights are long. Winter isn't a pleasant time...

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(Article Abstract)
How to Stop Your Dog Jumping All Over You Like a Kangaroo
by Lucy May

There are so many bad habits that start in puppy hood and very quickly become a major problem once your pup matures into an adult dog. Nearly every dog owner has faced the scenario when welcoming visitors to the house and then the very next minute, the guests are frantically trying to fight off the over friendly family dog. <...

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(Article Abstract)
Dog Cage - Cruel And Unusual Punishment?
by Jack Up

Like many pet owners, I wondered if the dog crates have been a cruel and unusual punishment. If I deprive my dogs of freedom they dream? Place them in a box of dog has a negative effect on them? Would they be happy?

When I became a pet owner, 14 years ago, I was strongly against the idea of ??putting one of my dogs in a ...

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(Article Abstract)
Tips on Preventing Discus Diseases
by Michael Perkins

We all know discus fish get sick, but have you learnt how to recognize the signs and symptoms or how you can treat your cherished discus? It is not like it is possible to take it to a doctor and even a vet, so it is important to inform yourself relating to the signs and treatments of the various discus diseases.

Much lik...

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(Article Abstract)
Train Your Dog To Be Less Possessive
by Wayne Green

You can't indulge your dog to do what he likes. When your dog has a little symptom of possessiveness and you turn blind to it, it will become a big problem. Naturally, dogs sound aggressive some times when they are playing with toys. This is normal as long as the dog is just playing and will allow you to take the toy and end the...

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(Article Abstract)
How Can A Labrador's Life Span Be Extended
by Kaye Dennan

If you are like most Labrador owners, you consider your dog to be a part of your family, and so naturally want to keep him with you for as long as you can. The average Labrador life span is only about ten to thirteen years, so it is imperative that you take measures to keep your dog healthy so that you can enjoy as many years wi...

To view the entire article, click here.

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