lanny_sinkin_headshot_FB_4This was posted today at Ali`i Mana`o Nui Lanny Sinkin's blog. He brings out some very pertinent points about how some of these "incidents" are being assigned to the Protectors (always called "protesters") Here's some highlights.

"The State proponents of the Thirty Meter Telescope are busy pumping out propaganda to smear the Protectors of the Mountain and to hide the illegal nature of the State agencies' activity... the State agencies promoting the TMT are trying to equate a few people misbehaving, out of the hundreds who have come to the Mountain as Protectors, and the righteous placement of rocks in the road, with the desecration of a sacred site and regulations that severely restrict religious practice in violation of the United States Constitution.

"...feces smeared on the men's bathroom wall... appearance of an invasive ant species in the area where the Protectors have been holding their vigil does not prove a Protector brought in the ants.

"The Rangers acknowledge that most Protectors have been helpful, polite, and assisted in keeping the peace. The University spokesman said that the incidents recorded "reflect a very, very small number of people up there."

"Nevertheless, these few instances are being blown out of proportion to discredit the Protectors.

"Then, of course, there are the rocks. The only "mistake" the Protectors made related to the rocks was apologizing for their placement in the road. Those who placed the rocks had no malicious intent... Substituting rocks as the blockade removed the Protectors from directly confronting the DLNR and, therefore deescalated the situation before someone got hurt.

"The isolated acts of bad behavior, many of which are attributed to the Protectors without proof, are manini [small fish] compared to the acts of the State.

"The Office of Mauna Kea Management put out rules... obviously unconstitutional limitations on religious practice... [this] contrasted with the water trucks, nitrogen trucks, astronomers, and others who could go up and down the Mountain without restrictions.

"That different treatment of those not engaged in religious practice means that the limitations imposed amount to religious discrimination and violation of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution guaranteeing equal protection of the law."


"On Rocks", by Lanny Sinkin, 7-10-15

Based on my experiences on the Mountain and information emerging today, I have submitted a piece to Civil Beat about what's what.

[Note: the item mentioned, Mauna a Wākea Rangers log, may be viewed here (full log). A summary is here.]
PDF Version


Ali`i Mana`o Nui Lanny Sinkin blog:
Kingdom of Hawai'i website:
Kingdom of Hawai'i blog: