heartsong_article_shipFound this at NesaraNetwork, and felt there was something here for someone(s). The image at top is a snippet enlargement from the photo below.

I sense that each will receive their own guidance from this, and I feel that somehow this may connect many to the 6-21-14 (at 1051 UTC) solstice.

Please go to the original article to see all of their highlighting and images.


June Solstice 2014: Isis Rose and the Tenth Ray

"When Isis rises, dawn Light flows across the veil, into the heart-vision of humanity. When the Lyre passes the Gate, she opens her embrace to Ra's phoenix pulses. Watch the horns of Venus cradle, feel the soothe, breathe the settle, mend the breaks, hold the fire, arcs lined with ships bright as stars of another universe.

Breathe in! Take IN the silver-white rose ray of the 'trinity goddess'. See it stream along the curve of the horn, arrowed from the Arch's bow to Gaia's grid. Breathe out! Let your higher heart's purest Love flow wherever true point of attraction IS, light as the feathers of Isis' wings." ~ Rowena

As we approach the June 21st Solstice, the energies are building for the most cohesive merge of Divine Feminine presence this planetary ascension has yet seen. To feel the depth and perfection of the spiral-in-motion at work in this convergence of the Sacred Mother stream, entering through the solar Christ Consciousness doorway, I'd like to put this in the context of current galactic energy shifts and a certain strand of galactic history concerning the leonine beings, the feminine principle of Source 'in action' in this galaxy, and others.

A week and a half ago, a ship appeared over my house, the like of which I have not seen. When I was 'called' to look up, leonine energy washed through, and I said out loud, 'Thank you golden lions', assuming the ship was of my Sirian-Lyran family. Yet this orange ship with a black 'tail' spoke of another origin.

Anjurian ship appears over my home, June 1st, 2014.

I learned that on the previous night on the other side of the world, my leonine star brother Bareld Nijboer had seen the same ship over the city of Nijmegen, in the Netherlands. The same night, an 'orange flashing light' was seen by Robbert van den Broeke southwest of Nijmegen, followed a few days later by the appearance of the crop circle below, which he witnessed (you can read Robbert's account at Crop Circle Connector here).

Crop Circle Standdbuitten, Holland, reported June 4, 2014.

I read this formation as dual layered; both speak of a spiral arc motion from/to a 'central sun' (the ringed disc). In the first layer I see the four inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, moving as a single coherent curve into solar alignment. A fifth is on its way, in a higher dimension, to 'recallibrate old template timelines into a catalytic time spiral of the new ascended template'. Our Sun has opened 6-9D portals to allow higher frequencies of Light through, to achieve this next level, its 3D corona destabilizing in the process. Our galactic family have been stationed around the Sun, managing the 'flows and flares' and keeping Earth and the solar system safe. In this video of last week's X Class flares, you can see a comet fly in near the end of the footage – which doesn't feel especially comet-like to me. :)

The second layer of this crop circle energy takes us back to the leonine ship, and a depiction of a string of Universes lining up perfectly (or spiral curving perfectly) from/to Source's original creation, which I know/remember as the Mu Universe. The fourth Universe of this arc out from Mu is ours. The Mu Universe IS the original template of this thread of universes…and remains so, for its frequency never dropped. The civilization of Mu/Lemuria on Earth carried a ripple, an imprint, of that original vibration, which still exists in the inner earth 5D world of Agartha….which we 'surface dwellers' are feeling more keenly as 5D continues to press into/through the 3D illusional duality reality.

That ripple's original, eternal tone moves through the whole thread of universes, Source's song, differently refracted in each universe. The universe closest to ours, I know as the Anjurian Universe, from which the leonine beings came into this universe, through the Lyran Portal to the star Vega. We were explorers, life creators, 'invited' to participate in a polarity experience, holding the feminine energy, while the carians/bird people held the masculine. I'll speak more of that scenario and the path we took in another post; enough to say here that the polarity experience in this universe took a heavy turn, with extremes and distortions familiar to us all here on Earth….as well as the opportunity now to Shift them, transform them back to the unity of Love.

With this in heart, it thrilled me to the Core to hear confirmation from Bareld, who also has Anjurian memories/communication, that the ship was not Sirian or Lyran, but Anjurian! The winged leonine beings on board, orange coloured with black feet, are reflected in the ship's colours (the ship feels like furred light, if that makes sense). For them to be here at all, means the vibration of Gaia's grid has lifted another level, and allowed in/magnetized a deeper layer of Light. :)

Let's take our perspective wider than this precious planet, and feel the awe-inspiring beauty of the 'sequencing' occurring throughout our galaxy that has enabled the IN-flow from an older sibling universe. In the previous post I spoke of a profound shift happening between Gaia and the Pleiadian star Maia (which holds karmic distortions, now in the process of being 'lighted', along with the star Merope, I feel). Sandra Walter picked up on this, and went on to make this statement on May 27th:

"The last I AM message mentioned the clearing of a galactic kharmic tether to Maia – a star in the Pleiades which has been very involved in our experience here. In brief, what was intended to be accomplished has been completed. I find it very purposeful that this confirmation came through during the Grand Cross and prior to the June shift (the June intel is from the Pleiadian-Sirian alliance). It means the May Gateway is wide open for new possibilities and pure creation that is directed by US, the bold folks who in-carnated here, without the bleed-through baggage from other Universes or Galactic kharma. Anyone connected to that will feel the magnitude of what has been accomplished here, and the freedom it provides." (see full post here)

I totally feel this, the dissolving of that 'karmic tether', a clearing of the way in Gaia's grid, openings that had been held back by an old play of energies that has run its course. This is huge! With this unbinding, Light-bearers were/are able to infuse the grid with newly available energies, in conjunction with our star brothers and sisters, opening the way for higher light beings/frequencies to assist from here on. Our Anjurian forebears are here (all the leonines in this galaxy are descended from them, and Earth's humans are descended from the humanoid beings the leonines first created on Avyon, planet of Vega, with much other genetic input later on).

Distortions in reception of the Divine Feminine are clearing already. This is most noticeable in various meditation events for this Solstice designed to raise and integrate Goddess energy into the collective consciousness, in its purest light. Nowhere is this clearer than in the call to Isis, and I feel the way open to her energy as never before. It's like flipping a switch, to see/feel her 'truth' through the veil – the manipulation of her name/ image/meaning by those lacking Light (the Iraqi-Syrian 'ISIS' group being a current example of the 3D co-opting of her name, associating it with fear/darkness). In counterbalance, the pure feminine Core of Isis is able to rise again now after a long time, on wings of light, and radiate the energy of restoration/resurrection through the Divine Feminine principle, to merge with the Divine Christed Masculine. One leads into the other…until One IS the other, and there is no 'other', only One.

This is the truth of Immaculate Conception, the funneling of the Divine Masculine through the Trinity Goddess (Holy Spirit) in a complete energy merge, as symbolized in the birth of the solar child Horus. Immaculate Conception is a focused form of the INception energy, the merging of the Higher Self into the physical being as a mode of ascension into fifth density and higher frequencies. Isis is a bearer of the Ascension Flame in this mode, INception, flowing now through the Tenth Ray, the pink-white Rose of peace, of Union with Source.

Her symbolic head-dress of cow horns around the solar disc, carry energies not only of the fleet guarding the Sun, but also of the Rebirth of Light, the birth of the solar child….in us ALL.
isis25 - Copy

Ancient Egyptian head-dress of Isis. An earlier form showed a throne on her head.

You may know this head-dress also as the symbol of Hathor, who in some myths was known as Horus's mother. Myths are metaphors, carrying seeds of truths. Isis came from Sirius, as part of a mission to re-elevate human consciousness/DNA. Hathor represents the arrival of Venusians, who as our closest neighbours have a long involvement with Earth. They too had a 3D stage, which went female dominant, compared to the male dominant phase on Earth which we are Ascending from. Where a dominant, off balance masculine destroys through violence and control, the off balance feminine destroys through toxic stagnation. Ascension is Unity….Reunion in Love, individually and collectively. When the Venusians ascended into 5-6D, balancing their Divine Feminine and Masculine flows as One, the Rose of Venus 'shone' again. We can see Venus's Rose form of the Flower of Life in her orbit's geometry, and that Rose energy is now more free to assist Gaia again.
Venus's orbit as seen from Earth over an 8 year period.

Venus's orbit as seen from Earth over an 8 year period.

Light-holders of Earth are asked to attune to the Unity of the new cycle of this new Age, the re-union, the Light Union within of sacred male and female, that allows the Divine Feminine to flow here again in unconditional Love. Let go of societal conditioning of the feminine, let go of distorted representations of 'goddess', over-sexualized or de-sexed, the dark night of the feminine, ritualized, 'earthbound' in the duality template. Let go of all that has been stamped in our psyches and feel, deeply, simply, purely, through the Heart. Then we Know her truth…..and the Divine Masculine rises to greet her, in Love again.

Gaia's heart is Light. Goddess within us is Light. God within us is Light. BE the re-union of Love, riding the Wave of Love that is layering IN much deeper now.

The exercise below from Isis is offered for those who feel to use it on the Solstice, designed to balance and amplify the Rose Goddess energies being focused by many into the grid at this time, through the Tenth Ray.

Seat yourself comfortably, breathe from your Crown to your Root, and from Root up through heart, out the mouth. Relax, and breathe, crown to root, up and out again. Let light enter on your in-breaths, let all tensions go, on your out-breaths……

Within a sphere of golden light, I open my Heart, Earth Star and Soul Star Chakras, as three white Stars. I open my chakras from root to crown. I feel the Divine Feminine as White Light enter through my Soul Star and spread through me in the form of a cross. In the cross's centre, my Heart Centre, I feel a touch of pink, a Rose tinted as new dawn, the first tender dawn, as if I in this moment am stepping into Creation. Holding myself in the cross of white light, my Heart embraces the Rose. Its Grace fills me, calm and serene.

Now I allow the Golden Flame of Life, of resurrection, to descend into my Heart's Rose and fill the cross surrounding me, blending with its white light. I feel the bliss of the merge. Pure Reunion. I Love my I AM. We Are. I Love the sacred feminine and masculine within me, within all life. I AM the Peace Rose; renewing the original template…of my Temple. The Temple I AM. The Temple washed clean. One with the crystalline heart grid of sister Gaia, radiating my Sacred Merge to join with all Life.

And So It Is.

With thanks and love to Mother Isis and all keepers of the Rose, Lady Nada, Sesherat, Rowena, Archangel Haniel, Archangel Sophiel, and to the keeper of the Golden Flame, Jesus Immanuel Sananda and all beings who stream the golden light.

The Lions of Anjuria fly through all our hearts, ready for us to tune to their feathery Tone, like a flute on the breath of God.

Be happy, dear friends, and Love the Love behind the illusion, the Love you Are. Happy Solstice! Thank you for all you do. Namaste.