gaiaportal_logo56It's sometimes difficult to pinpoint what these GaiaPortals are saying. However, one piece stood out for me, where it says, "E-Lucidation of all priories is now in full progress, and cannot be stopped by lower-intenders."

Now, "priories" is the plural of "priory", which means, "a religious house governed by a prior or prioress, often dependent upon an abbey." So this may refer to the "Illumination" of the varieties of so-called religious orders, of all types.


Portal openings and expansions in a rapid sense are to be expected, in short order

Statics of prior moments is now dissolved and released.

Intrusions into Gaia Energetic Complex are monitored and ameliorated, as persistent intruders attempt a time reversal.

Placid-ation is now at hand, within each and every Hue-Being, and is now being called forth.

E-Lucidation of all priories is now in full progress, and cannot be stopped by lower-intenders.

Portal openings and expansions in a rapid sense are to be expected, in short order.