20140222-090812.jpgThis AAM piece (found on my Facebook news feed), via Méline, hit some chords in me this morning... and so I share this.

"The exact duplicate of Gaia, which I will call 'Earth', is a holographic reflection and a copy of Gaia, where duality can still exist. With this distinction that life can be continued in all mixed energies of the 4thDimension as well as in the higher and lower frequencies. Those of you existing in a higher frequency, embodying more Light, will dwell on Gaia and will also be able to exist on this holographic copie, so also on 'Earth' in the reality of the souls dwelling there because those souls still create that themselves. That's the way they have always known it and they continue to create this up to the point that they themselves reach the higher frequency levels."


Archangel Michael on the process of Ascension and on the 'split' in Dimensional frequencies
~ By Méline Lafont

[Méline ] Dearest Michael, can you elaborate more on the ways in which this current process of Ascension will be actualized in our reality, in this Now moment on this current frequency?

Archangel Michael :

Presently Gaia is subdivided in various frequencies comprised of different vibrations representing the Dimensions. On the one hand there is the old matrix, representing the 3rdDimension but on the other hand there are a number of higher frequencies vibrating at the 4th, the 5thand even the 6thDimension, They all are present on Gaia in the Now. That's the reason so many of you feel themselves increasingly living on different Dimensions in a conscious way. In fact, all of you are multidimensional beings and you are experiencing and undergoing this feature progressively.

The Earth has an exact duplicate of Herself in a holographic substance, I am not referring to another world far away, rather I refer to a reflection of this Gaia, capable of maintaining the frequency of a 3D matrix. As Gaia Herself is residing more and more in Her higher frequency, all the ones of you capable of maintaining and embodying this higher lightfrequency will be torn away out of this old 3D matrix and will evolve alongside Gaia in Her process of Ascension, all being One. This will result in the fact that the 3D matrix will no longer be nurtured and will wither away and dissolve in this reality of Gaia.

You are now fully busy with this process. We cannot simply let this 3D reality suddenly collapse in a day as it were. How would this serve the whole of humanity if the wish has been expressed to get preferably, if not EVERYONE than at least as much souls as possible, aboard the Ascencion process?! That's why we will proceed step by step and believe you me when I, Michael, say that we are really close to a complete dissolution of this old 3D duality experience on Gaia. Give it the time it needs for the highest good of the Collective.

The old 3D matrix will continue to exist and evolve on the holographic Earth which is an exact duplicate, a twin of Gaia. It is there that those of you that are still stuck in duality will receive their opportunities to continue on evolving on their own pace without hindering or delaying the vibrations and the process of Ascension on this reality of Gaia where the higher frequencies are already existing and have taken over on an etheric level.