130304_new_hair_guy_P1000378_crop_240_11Via Chris Hales, I learned of Kim, and Sandi (and her husband, Chris), who have shared (will share) their homes with me here in Northern Florida. I am so thankful to them.

I was totally "zonked out" at about 1-2 PM yesterday... So I called Kim, and she asked me where I was, and when I told her, she said, "Your just almost at Sandi's, so why not go there." So I did, and have spent one night over here.

Kim and Sandi are powerful energy workers here, and are, like many of us, assisting the planet through this current phase of release, growth, and transformation.
So now I'm just sitting in their house by my Self, until I feel ready to move again. Right at this posting time (2:15 pm), I feel like moving not at all.

Anyway, Aloha until later, at a time when my body has fully returned to its senses.
