This Matthew message makes some points that hit home, in particular what is quoted below. Enjoy!! (note: the Matthew website is all one paragraph; for an easier read version go here, at Golden Age of Gaia).

"The prevailing vibrations are motivating self-discovery, self-awareness, self-realization—whatever you wish to call this process of soul connecting with consciousness. Individuals are questioning on a deeper level than heretofore, but soul-searching alone doesn't provide all the answers they are seeking. Don't hide your light under a bushel, so to say—enlighten others to the extent that they are receptive...

"Perhaps more than any other factor, though, your positive attitude about today's happenings and what is ahead for your world will inspire others to start perceiving things that way too, and what a triumph that will be!"


Matthew Message 8-15-13

Information outlets; positive vs. negative reporting, perceptions; powerful influence of lightworkers, way-showers; myriad sources of light; message from St. Germain

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Always we are happy to address issues that are of concern to readers and are in the minds of many others in your world too. No doubt because mainstream media are giving these topics the most coverage: Al Qaida jailbreaks, threats and splinter terrorist groups; contaminated water flowing from Fukushima nuclear facility into the ocean; mounting casualties in Syria's civil war and the escalating conflict in Egypt.

There's also emphasis on violence in Pakistan, wildfires, flooding, various crimes, vehicle crashes and celebrity scandals as well as speculation about a cyberspace "war," Iran's nuclear development stage, the use of NSA's electronically-gathered data, and the strained relations between the leaders of Russia and the United States.

First we say that for the most part, the reporters and the few individuals who own all major media outlets still are captive of third-density mentality with its predominant fear factor and proclivity for sensationalism. Thus they dependably present an alarming slant on selective world affairs and laboriously report tragic or shocking events; rarely are positive happenings considered newsworthy.