
Arrived at Java on the Rock at about 7 AM, today. Knew I needed to be here for the 12-21-12. T&G&J were here, and for short period, the resonance was perfect.

For the first time ever (for myself, at least), a whale then appeared out in Kailua Bay here. Was not able to get a photo, but it was spectacular. Then this cloud showed up, and, I felt, a Presence that affirmed this was a "special" day.

Right now I feel as if I'm not able to stay present in anything close to 3D. My vision and senses just keep flying beyond it.

Now a Honu just appeared.

20121221-104108.jpgBeen feeling quite "out of it". Not able to get into any conversations about "ordinary" things, or any news stuffs, or analytical this or that. The 3D brain not functioning at all.

So I can say there is a switch being flipped. Today. That's what it feels like. That Tolec video message feels right on. The planet, Earth, Gaia, is indeed "star-ifying". Becoming a star. And actually already is, if viewed from Higher Dimensions.

So if you have no desire to live on a star, better ask to get off. Or perhaps ask to be star-ified" yourself. We're all given this opportunity to "be" that inner Star. The Star of who we Are...