benjamin_fulford_popple_120911_snip9Here is the new Ben. As always, much is occurring behind the scenes to bring about the change. Also, regarding Sandy Hook incident, personally, I knew right away this had "false flag" written all over it. And there is so much information out there showing it was indeed a type of false flag (see here, and here). The point Ben makes, though, is that the cabal intended for one thing, but it has blown back in their faces.


The New World Order has been defeated but the Old World Order is still fighting

There are growing signs that the Bush/Nazi New World Order Nazi faction has been defeated but that the Rockefellers and their allies in the Old World Order faction are still fighting to preserve their power. It has also now been confirmed that the new Japanese government headed by Shinzo Abe and the Liberal Democratic Party was put in place via a disguised military coup d'etat, according to Japanese military intelligence sources. This implies the Rockefellers and their minions are being forced out of Japan, a CIA source added. This means 66 years of hostile foreign occupation of Japan may be about to end. There is still secret fighting going on though.

The gnostic illuminati faction in the West, for its part, is claiming victory and saying that "President Obama will leave the White House hanging by his neck from a helicopter."

Of course the jury is still out on all this and only actual events and not talk, will determine if what the various sources are saying is true. However, it looks like it will be a Merry Solar New Year (even the pope now admits Christmas was not Christ's birthday), and the power of love and friendship is winning over the forces of fear and hate.

There is also strong evidence emerging that the new Japanese government is planning to end the cabal's monopoly on the creation of money by...

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