Greg's message from the Galactics this time appears to cover the nuts and bolts of answers to the question, "Well, here I am... So what am I supposed to do now? What's my mission?" We each have our place in this grand awakening that's happening right now. And although many may see this "answering of the call" as a purely physical thing, I guarantee it is much more than that. Those of us who have listened and followed "calls" to go places, to change professions, or give them up, or leave our apartments and live out of our cars, or relinquish all physical possessions, whatever that might be, we know that it is a calling up in Spirit, into the Higher Realms. That's all that really matters. We may have our continuing 3D functions, but these will be in complete harmony with our Higher Calling, as we trek earnestly towards Planetary Ascension.

So beyond that, I feel it's best to read this and see what suits (resonates with) you.


  • You will be learning new skills and you will be applying what you have learned over many consecutive incarnations, and you will apply these skills where needed and in areas that can benefit from your expertise and your leadership abilities.
  • We...are not going to come down to you and lead you to the task that you are better suited for and explain to you what it is to do.
  • We understand that many of you at this time are experiencing confusion and doubt as to what it is you can be doing, and we ask you what is it that you want to do.
  • No one at this time that has found their niche and discovered just what it is they could be doing has been given this answer by us. Instead, they have taken the initiative and have followed their inner voice to the task they are today accomplishing. This is how it must be for each and every one of you...
  • We tell you so much of what you have experienced was for a very good reason and for a very particular purpose.
  • There are at this time so many areas where people can benefit from assistance. They are everywhere, and there are so many related fields where you can apply the talents and skills that you have acquired throughout your many lifetimes and make a difference in the lives of these people.
  • There is no need or call for a sense of urgency, but we will say the time to answer your call is upon you.
  • There will be in the days ahead positions offered you in fields you at this time are not fully aware of. There are many different positions that will need to be filled, and each of you will be given an opportunity to fill one of these positions based on your experience and your willingness to learn a new skill.
  • Some of you will be making the transition to the 5th dimension and even beyond, and we say to you to help with this transition by eliminating the aspects of your life that serve to weigh you down into the lower dimensions.
  • What is it do you think at this time is acting to weigh you down and keep you submerged within the 3rd dimension? What is it about your life that you wish you could break free of that you know does not serve your greater good?
  • Help us help you and we will do all that we can to assist you to accomplish the tasks and reach the goals that you set out for yourself before you entered the physical realms as a newborn child.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/21/12

You've been interested, now let's step more into the role you will be playing in these future events. You will be learning new skills and you will be applying what you have learned over many consecutive incarnations, and you will apply these skills where needed and in areas that can benefit from your expertise and your leadership abilities. All along your journey you have learned important skills that were deemed important enough to base much of your incarnate lessons upon. Your skills were being developed purposefully for the time period that you now find yourself before. Taking the skills that you have learned and applying them to the tasks at hand today is something that you will have to take upon yourself to do.

We, the Galactic Federation of Light, are not going to come down to you and lead you to the task that you are better suited for and explain to you what it is to do. This is all for a reason and a higher purpose, and it is up to you to discover what it is you do well. It is up to you to find how you can apply these skills and assist your fellow man in their time of ascension. We understand that many of you at this time are experiencing confusion and doubt as to what it is you can be doing, and we ask you what is it that you want to do. What is it that you can do? What is it that you do well? In what areas can you make a difference? In what areas do you feel attraction to? These questions are what will lead you to the answers that you seek. We will help you find these answers, this is what we will do, but we will not give you these answers, this is what we will not do.

No one at this time that has found their niche and discovered just what it is they could be doing has been given this answer by us. Instead, they have taken the initiative and have followed their inner voice to the task they are today accomplishing. This is how it must be for each and every one of you, and we say to you the time has come for you to actively seek out your positions to better assist humanity and your planet throughout these very important days before you now. Many of you are seeking guidance for these answers and this is what you are receiving at this time; guidance, but again, you are not receiving the answers as they are not being offered to you. We have made it clear on many occasions that this is your show. You are the producers, you are the directors, you are the actors, you are the stagehands, and you are each another's audience. This entire production is yours, it belongs to you, and we will always understand this and honor this.

We will not in any way overstep our bounds and give you the answers to all of your questions, as this a line we will not cross. You can do it yourselves, each and every one of you. We are only here to assist you in matters that you could not fully handle yourselves, but we are not here to complete tasks for you that you are very capable and qualified to handle all by yourselves, and discovering what it is you can be doing in service to humanity at this time is one task that you are very capable to complete yourself. You do not need our help for this task. We tell you to look within, think about one of the things that you have learned in this life. Think about all the talents you have acquired. Think about some of the jobs that you have had throughout this incarnation. Did you receive training at these jobs? What did this training entail? What did you learn to do that you did not know before you had this job? Do you see this as a clue to a skill that you might need later in your life? Do you see each and every job you have had as simply a random element to a pointless journey?

We tell you so much of what you have experienced was for a very good reason and for a very particular purpose. Understanding this, knowing this, go back through the pages of your life and examine more closely the story being told. Where was it leading? What skills have you learned? Are some of these skills you have learned related in any way? Can some of the skills that you have learned be applied all at once at one position? Do you have friends and family performing certain jobs, and could this somehow be a sign to you where you can better apply the talents you have learned to assist humanity through their time of ascension?

There are at this time so many areas where people can benefit from assistance. They are everywhere, and there are so many related fields where you can apply the talents and skills that you have acquired throughout your many lifetimes and make a difference in the lives of these people. Do these people around you thirst for knowledge and understanding? Are they suffering from the effects of fear and confusion? Do they have health concerns? Could they benefit from healing? Can they benefit from better nutritional understandings and practices? These are questions you can ask yourself in examination of those around you. These are questions you can ask yourself while you reflect upon all those that you know and have met through your online communities.

There will be an increase in those that can benefit from assistance, and they will seek guidance in many areas. You will be called to the forefront to be there for these souls, and you will be a guiding force in their life. You still have time to find what it is that you do well, and you will have plenty of opportunity to apply these skills and fulfill the duties of your Lightworker contract. It is not too late and you have not missed anything, you can rest assured, and in knowing this it will also help you find a calm and balanced state of emotion where you can more clearly reflect upon your inner talents and abilities and where you can better apply these gifts.