twenty_six_millionThere's something special about this number, for some reason. I'm deeply grateful for all who come to this blog, those who actually get something from this blog, and those who have supported this blog.

26000000_time_stamp26000000_views_countAs of 2235 HST, the 26,000,000 mark was officially passed!!

There's not really much more to say, except that my joy and passion has been with this blog since November, 2010, and, even though many times I definitely did not know what I was doing with it, it has been a channel through which I could communicate "things" I felt were wanting to "get out there".

I'm presuming more things will be "getting out there" as this planet wakes up and continues to move forward/upward, and I'm grateful so many of you find this particular channel of communication useful.

Much Aloha to all,