gaiaportal_logo98Here's Barbara's "get" on this one. And I'd have to agree with all of it.

Thank you, Barbara, and thank you, GaiaPortal...

As before, Barbara's comments are in bolded blue.


Stabilization of release protocols is now complete

Stabilization of release protocols is now complete.
All energetic processes necessary for the shift are finished.

Preparation for "mass release" is now complete.
All requirements for humanity's release from the chains of the third dimension into the fifth are complete. Release of abundance and prosperity for all of humanity is now eminent.

Attendant Gaia Light Influx is concomitant.
Resulting downloads of Planetary Light is associated with the completion of preparations.

Fluctuations are finished.
Irregular energetic highs and lows have ended.

Flames of Higher Transformation soon visibilizes for all hu-manity.
Signs of changes through the anchored, higher energetics will soon become evident to all hu-manity.

Prepare in Consciousness for Mass Expansion.
All is ready for humanity's collective consciousness to expand exponentially with the new earth.

It is done.