gaiaportal_logo95Thanks to Barbara for this, again. I love her "get" on this "GaiaPortal".


Presentations in current moments portend flag-less precipitations

Presentations in current moments portend flag-less precipitations.
Obscure, meaningless details are disregarded and former judgements /penalties (karma) are shortened/ended.

Feral beings commune with Higher Energetics as lower hu-beings die out.
As people "awaken" and claim their true, free selves they are able to integrate the higher energies, while those of lower energetics leave the planet.

Stabilizing of upgrades is in progress, and culminates in short order.
Energetic upgrades to humanity and the planet will stabilize and end shortly.

Pedantics are ignored as Hue-Beings commute sentences.
Obscure, meaningless details are disregarded and former judgements /penalties (karma) are shortened/ended.

Dances of Flash Energies becomes visible to all of Gaia.
The new, rapidly releasing energies are being revealed to all humanity.