20130913-100138.jpgThis message from Steve was valuable to me as it reminded myself that the process we are currently in is not necessarily one of "sudden, abrupt, rapid change". Rather it is one of "peaceful, gradual change", to play on Steve's title. Several months (years?) ago, I got that the plan for Gaia transition had changed, from the "all at once" scenario, to the "peaceful, gradual" one.

I still feel that some of the channeled messages have value, for me, at least, and so I've posted this one.


The Peaceful, Gradual Approach
by Steve Beckow, September 13, 2013

We've heard Matthew say how the CIA "black ops" unit provided the manpower for 9/11 and the leading officials of the Bush Administration provided the authority. Beyond invading countries and lowering the living standards of so many people, they began a phony "war on terrorism" which provided the cover for all else that followed.

Out of that conspiracy, because "conspiracy" it was, a new edifice of control arose.

It took in the Department of Homeland Security, the National Security Agency, the Federal Emergency Management Administration, the military laboratory at Fort Dedrick, parts of the Environmental Protection Agency, and many, many other confederates in a vast network of individuals and organizations that intended to erode the civil rights of Americans and others around the world.

It included the Federal Reserve, elements of the judiciary, police and military, and a large number of financial, petrochemical, technological, communications and even religious companies and organizations, all of which aligned on the overall plan of world domination.