20130911-184447.jpgI've not posted much from Cobra recently, but I feel his progress reports are much like David Wilcock's, in that they fill in what is really happening behind the outer-viewed events.
Planetary Situation Update Part 1

As predicted, massive operations of the Light forces have begun as September started.

The Eastern Alliance sprang into action. The Eastern Alliance is a loose group of BRICS government officials, Interpol personnel, members of Chinese and Russian military forces, White Dragons Society and Positive Templars who work under indirect guidance of the Resistance Movement to liberate this planet.

BRICS group has announced the creation of a new global bank that will become one of the building blocks of the new financial system:


Vladimir Putin, the spokesman of the Eastern Alliance, has made steps to expose the actions of the Cabal to the masses during the current Syria crisis:



Behind the scenes, negotiations for the surrender of the Cabal continue. Large portions of Jesuit and Rothschild factions have already expressed their theoretical willingness to surrender at the Event.