This one is a bit "deep", but I sense it is a very important description of Higher Dimensional entities (and stuff like that). I have scanned over this, and it is like one of those you might read were you to be studying for your final Masters or PhD exam. Take the best and leave the rest.

Click here to download the pdf version of this article.


Extra-Dimensional & Extra-Terrestrial Entities

Here's insider Daniel's latest paper on ETs and EDs. If you have questions and Daniel have setup a forum where he can answer your questions: -AK


This is not going to be a paper on "who's who" and "what's that." There is already plenty of information available on the various species of extra-dimensional and extraterrestrial entities. So rather than who or what they are, this paper focuses on why they are, a somewhat unexplored area that resulted from working with dimensional equations on Phoenix III. Namely:

1. The structure of extra-dimensional life, discussing the concepts of dimension and density that define our biological structure here on Earth, projecting forward into higher dimensions.

2. How to interact with extraterrestrials, given the vast differences between us, physically, psychologically, intellectually and emotionally, even if we are of the same density.

3. The next stage of mankind, ascension to extra-dimensional status—what is going to happen when we take our next evolutionary step.

The Yin-Yang of Time-Space

When studying the relationships of space and time in the context of motion, it becomes obvious that we are talking about the same concept that the ancient Chinese philosophers were referring to with their concept of yin-yang. From the realm of normal observation, space is point-based, linear (kick a ball, it rolls in a straight line) and yang. Time, being the conjugate of space, is plane-based, rotational and yin (clocks go in circles across its face).

When reading on metaphysics, the terms "density" and "dimension" are commonly used to refer to higher states of existence. For the most part, authors consider the terms interchangeable, for example 4th dimensional or 4th density both refer to the next stage "up" from mankind, currently sitting at the 3rd density/dimension. This is going to require some clarification, as dimensional structure is actually fixed, and it is what is active in those dimensions that creates the relative density, and as such, the quantum ontology.[1]

Dimension: "A property of space; extension in a given direction."[2]

First word that jumps out is space. Now that we know about 3D time, we have to expand the definition of dimension to include the temporal dimensions. So let us generalize the relationship—space and timeare related as motion, so we are actually talking about dimensions of motion. [3]

And those dimensions have properties—properties of motion, not of just space or time. In space, we observe three dimensions: length, breadth and height. Whereas space is only an aspect of motion, motion itself must have three dimensions for this to occur and the other aspect, time, must also have three dimensions.

1 Ontology is the study of the nature of existence, so a quantum ontology is a schnazzy way to say "levels of existence."

2 on "dimension."

3 Larson, Dewey B., "The Dimensions of Motion," Reciprocity XV, № 1 (Spring, 1986)

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