Okay, how I missed the first one, I don't know. Could be both of these were meant to post at same time. So here they are, posting themselves at the same time.

Here is a link to Susan's website.


10-27-11... Message from AA Gabriel

S: Good Morning Gabriel.

AAG: Good Morning Suzanne. Let's begin with Module 3.

S: Ok, can I first ask from your vantage point what is the significance to 10/28/11?

AAG: Yes. The date of 10/28/11 is the date of the ascension of the current great year. This is when a gateway opens to the next great year and portals open to assist many, many humans in the ascension process. It is as if a light is turned on in a dark room and those who have been clinging to the wall for support can now clearly see their path and avoid obstacles they would have fallen over before. It is the time of awakening on planet Earth. Mankind is doing a mass DNA update to support the shift into 4th & 5th dimensions. From our view point this is seen as an opening to your world in a way that will make us in higher dimensions, be more easily accessible. Now when you meditate an opening to our world is achieved with greater ease. For some this will be instantaneous, for others it will be more transgressive. In your h eart send love to Gaia in her birthing process. Gaia is now in the final push of delivery.


10-29-11, Message from God

My Dear Ones,

Today (10/29/11) is the first day of the next Great Year. Setting the stage to this beginning is you, as a co-creator of life. You are now in alignment with portals that have opened and are opening to support this shift of consciousness. Quietly you have been awakening from a deep slumber. While you have stirred and stretched and imagined your important role in this shift, your conscious self, or ego, has been powering down from its level of third density. Opening your heart is the source of power that fuels you now. It isn't always instantaneous. It isn't always smooth. It finds way to present itself in love, laughter and light.

Look to your community of like-minded light workers when your battery needs a jump. In this ever growing community are souls who are dedicated to assisting the masses to be their truth.

In your being is an activated code which gives you a much clearer connection to your High Self, to your angels & guides, to your loved ones and to Me. Have patience while you fine tune this frequency.

Give yourself rest, nutrition & peaceful surroundings to adjust to this delightful frequency of love.

YOU are magnificent, brave and loved infinitely. Happy New Year!