This current article by Denise relates to the previous article by Denise. I felt this article was "important" and would be helpful for many people.

Here again, we hear of "stuff" happening on multiple dimensions at once. She says, regarding her vision, and the term she uses, "Troop Withdrawals", that it represents:

"...multiple multidimensional events unfolding now and all for the same reasons."

Here is what came to my mind, when I posted Lauren's last article:

"This is something that has projected itself into my own consciousness throughout the past two years. We are multidimensional beings. Many are conscious of that, and realize that what is "occurring", so to speak, is "occurring" on many levels, all at once. That's why it is often impossible to pinpoint what is causing what, who is doing what, when those things are being done, and so on. Both without, and within."

And here is what Lauren wrote in that article:

"We are soon to experience life as multidimensional beings, which the PHC say is one of exquisite undertaking…a way of living life through the perception of simultaneous realization & with the ability to focus through the incorporation of many dimensions of awareness…at once." [The only thing I say about that is that we are already experiencing "life as multidimensional beings".]

This points to the massive synchronicity (whatever "massive" means here) that we are all running with right now. But her message goes beyond that. The two quotes below rather sum her message up for myself...

"Many, but not all the incarnate Starseeds will choose to not remain on the new ascended 5D Earth world they've worked so long and so hard to manifest for others. Other incarnate Starseeds will choose to remain and live on the new ascended 5D Earth world for however long they individually feel the need or desire to do so. Many incarnate Starseeds will choose to return Home to their individual higher dimensions, stellar systems, galaxies, universe, Light Realms, or return to locations very close to Source."

"I have experienced this type of major life/focus/reality shift from one phase and state of being into another phase and state of being before and it's often impossible for us to see, sense, or perceive the "us" (and reality) we'll be on the other side of these major shifts we're facing at the time. I've hinted for months that on the other side of 11-11-11 we'll begin to know more about what's coming next for us individually. Until then however, it's hard for many of us to even imagine this major shift into the next phase and so, our near future may now seem blacked-out to our current awareness. But trust that you will soon perceive and know it."


Starseed Troop Withdrawals
by Denise Le Fay, 10-27-11

Because there was some confusion and worry from some people when I mentioned the Separation of Worlds, I've waited to talk about this next topic. Like some topics I write about, this one is not for everyone who will read it. Because I can already hear and feel some confusion and panicked reactions from some people over this announcement, I repeat; this article is not directed at everyone who will read it. It is however for many of my readers, but not for all of them, so I ask each of you to please keep this in mind because this is a very complex topic and situation that's recently begun unfolding. [This article is a continuation of Recent Repeated Dream Messages. ]

I had a vision message at the start of summer 2011, and in it I clairvoyantly saw a massive white-light pouring downward which was Source Energy. This brilliant white-light traveled downward until it reached a huge clear prism-like object. When the white-light hit this clear prism it fractured into different colored Rays of Light that radiated downward from Source's perspective. There were colors in this Cosmic rainbow of Light Rays that I've never seen before and have no way of describing what they look like because there are no equivalents to them in this dimension. Each Ray was beautiful and unique beyond description. End of clairvoyant vision message.

There were no telepathic words interpreting this vision and none were needed. I instantly knew what this image represented and why I was seeing it at that time. I'm going to use this particular term—Troop Withdrawals—on purpose in an attempt to express multiple multidimensional events unfolding now and all for the same reasons.

Many, but not all the incarnate Starseeds will choose to not remain on the new ascended 5D Earth world they've worked so long and so hard to manifest for others. Other incarnate Starseeds will choose to remain and live on the new ascended 5D Earth world for however long they individually feel the need or desire to do so. Many incarnate Starseeds will choose to return Home to their individual higher dimensions, stellar systems, galaxies, universe, Light Realms, or return to locations very close to Source.

Lots of options will become increasingly conscious in the incarnate Starseeds awareness from this point forward because we've reached the end of this phase of our Missions as those who Volunteered to come to Earth to embody/live/insert/anchor the Ascension Process and new timeline and Earth. This is what my summer clairvoyant vision represented; different colored Light Rays from Source becoming more conscious in the Starseeds because they've reached the beginning of the Starseed Troop Withdrawals or Going Home phase. Is this mandatory? Of course not, but no one is going to have to twist the arms of most Starseeds to return to their favorite Home stations! As these many options become more conscious within the Starseeds awareness it will be helpful to pay extra attention to your inner messages, feelings, dreams and knowings. Multiple options and big changes are and will continue presenting themselves to Starseeds at the end of the Mayan calendar, the 11-11-11 shift, December 2011, and throughout 2012.

My vision revealed many different colored Rays of Light and each one of them were individual Home frequencies of every Starseed incarnate on Earth now. These Light Rays were pointing downward towards the new ascended 5D Earth and are energetic pathways back Home for each Starseed to use who wants to return to their Home. This option is just that, an option, not a total Troop Withdrawal of all now incarnate Starseeds over the next week only so please relax! These Starseed options from Source are now in place and will remain so don't worry or become confused over this. Once we're on the other side of 11-11-11 growing numbers of Starseeds will just suddenly know what their next move is so relax into these new transitions. The choice is yours, mine, and each of ours and ther e is no pressure or obligation to remain or to go so please relax and consider the many new options presenting themselves now and over the next year to the Starseeds.