140411_kp_mauna_kea_P1010046_150_25I've received emails, comments, FB messages, in the past that have pointed out things about people, places, stuff, that I have posted. "This article should be trusted." "This person is not who they say they are." "Obama is the devil." And so on.

Again I remind everyone that any of the "facts", "data", in article I post may or may not be "correct".

I do not research each and every thing in any or every article. I am not here to "vet" anything.

I post only what resonates within me, to post. That's it.

It is up to each and every reader of these posts to discern for themselves if an article, person, thing, posted here is theirs to read, or listen to, or believe, or pay any attention to, whatsoever.

Aloha, Kp