removing_the_shackles_banner_new_2Tracy told me about this, and it definitely felt worth posting here, now, to help some understand what's "Energetically Going On Out There (in Here)".


Drowning in the Tidal Wave of Energy: Riding the Surf to BEing

Once again, this has been a week of incredibly intense energetic tidal waves, sweeping in almost non-stop, leaving exhaustion and for many of us, even confusion it their wake.

And once again, I waited to see who would be the first to pop up with an update on this next wave of high energy that has crashed onto our shores. I had been waiting and checking into Gaias Portal every few hours since sometime Sunday afternoon- KNOWing that the update would happen any moment.....

WELLA! All three of the sites I have been closely watching posted within hours of each other, and the message was ohhhhhhhhhh so clear and very very perfect in my own experiences of the past 72 hours.

I personally have been through an emotional rollercoaster- dealing with old fears and LOOKING at the past experiences and SEEing them for what they were and what they meant at the time and in the NOW. There were a few times during the past 48 hours when the words "drowning" were very much on my mind. Drowning in emotions, drowning in fears, drowning in old history..... I thought deeply on the experiences and tried to look at them "rationally", tried to discern what was MY fear/emotions/reactions, vs what was the emotions/reactions of others around me that I was picking up on. Usually I am easily able to tell the difference between the internal and external energetics and emotions, but this past weekend I felt as if I was floundering on a piece of driftwood amongst the crashing waves. No sooner would I work my way though one wave of overwhelming emotion, when a second and third one would hit, leaving me almost breathless, struggling for air. The days were short in length, and yet L O N G in duration while I rode the wild surf.

Needless to say, yesterday I didn't even think about my computer or checking on anything, lol. But this morning, there is was, exactly what I was looking for. Below for you to read are the messages posted last night by Gaia's Portal, Aisha North, and Truthcodes.

Please click here to read and link to the articles D mentions...