veterans_today_banner_8But now see the following article!!


Israeli lobby seeks to block UK parliament vote on Palestine

[ Editors Note:  Good gosh, the "only Democracy" in the Mideast trying to subvert democracy in countries where Jews have lived safely and prosperously for long time. Seems like a case of "do like I say, not like I do" to me, but no big surprise. We all know the drill.

We need to look at this as an opportunity. If the Hebrew Klansmen lose we need to turn their attack around on them politically so that anyone that is closely associated with them politically pays a price for it.

And by that I don't mean ignoring them. The British Board of Jews surely isn't ignoring the vote. They are trying to impose Israel's will on the Brits.

With all the financial hammering the regular Brits have been taking from the financial scamsters we never know what might be the straw that breaks the camel's back. We have waited a long time for political opposition to emerge.

That it is happening now means they feel the time is right. We have to support the effort to the max to keep the momentum going. I had hoped to see this in my lifetime. It is now time to move off of apathy and defense and over onto offense... Jim W. Dean ]



-  First published  …  October 13,  2014  -


4271523567Efforts by the Israeli lobby in the UK and Britain's Friends of Israel parliamentary groups, have recently gained momentum to block a motion to recognize Palestine as an independent state.