Many mahalos to OlinStarWalker who YouTube messaged me about this event... "The Balsamic Moon Phase." I'm not going to get into exaclty what a "Balsamic Moon Phase" is (although Wiki has a very short snip about it), nor will I spend time in any kind of acidic, or vinegar jokes. All I can say is, OlinStarWalker pointed me to this article at

And it resonated... Big Time. I cannot say much about the facts presented here, as I just got this a couple hours ago. But as the Balsamic phase occurs at 6-16-12 2350 EDT (2050 PDT; 6-17-12, 0350 UTC), which is 5 hours from now, I wanted to get this up. Now.

This is likely why many of us are feeling so "ramped up and ready to go like something big is happening right around this time." And that's probably all related to this.

Here's a relevant bit of that article, then enjoy reading for yourself. [and I'm leaving comments open for your input and any add ons you all might have about this].

"But what most people don't know is that the real Galactic Alignment - the one that matters most - occurs just a few minutes before midnight EDT on Saturday, June 16, 2012. This is when the Earth will make the Galactic Alignment.

"The focus on the Sun's Galactic Alignment has been a trick of darker forces that are in opposition to humanity and the Earth herself (other-dimensional entities the Gnostics called "Archons"). The Sun is indeed a Divine Being, but it stands in service to the Divine Aeon Sophia that is embodied as our planet... The Gnostics were aimed just as readers of this site are today - towards our home - the Galactic Center.

"What this means for us is that enlightenment (wisdom) will begin to spread like wildfire and so will it's opposite - endarkment (ignorance or insanity). The Earth's alignment with her companions in the Galactic Center also means that the magic of creation is more readily available to us. The power to create (or destroy) is freely available..."


Balsamic Moon Phase
Saturday, June 16 - Sunday, June 17, 2012

This is probably the most important report I will ever write.

For many, many years, much has been written about the December 21, 2012, alignment of our Sun and the center of our Galaxy. But what most people don't know is that the real Galactic Alignment - the one that matters most - occurs just a few minutes before midnight EDT on Saturday, June 16, 2012. This is when the Earth will make the Galactic Alignment.

The focus on the Sun's Galactic Alignment has been a trick of darker forces that are in opposition to humanity and the Earth herself (other-dimensional entities the Gnostics called "Archons"). The Sun is indeed a Divine Being, but it stands in service to the Divine Aeon Sophia that is embodied as our planet. The story of Sophia, the goddess who fell from her home in the Galactic Center - is archived in the Nag Hammadi texts of the Gnostics, those who could "see." Their name actually translates to "those who are aimed." The Gnostics were aimed just as readers of this site are today - towards our home - the Galactic Center.

Everything changes today.