Mahalo Deb for alerting me to this. I knew Tolec was doing an interview today with Dr. Joseph Marra, but did not know it had come out. I have not listened to the full video. But I got that it was to be posted now (5-8-12 1033 AM HST). I will post mp3s of this as soon as it is possible for me today.

He speaks of a radio show with "Michael", who is Michael Tellinger. I believe, that interview is located here: (I believe this is the one; I may not be correct. I'll correct later if needed.)

Here is what Tolec wrote about the video:

"Tolec of the Andromeda Council and Dr. Joseph Marra discuss the failing global banking system, some baseline reasons for its collapse, the demise of reptilians controllers on this planet, and healthcare. The failings of the current healthcare system are discussed as well as the pharmaceutical industry and how it perpetuates a cycle of sickness in pursuit of money, and control of Earth's population.

"We also discuss how our lives will be different as we become fully 4D, 4th dimensional, humans & how our lives will change. We discuss the kinds of foods we will be able to eat. And we discuss the energetic healing modalities that will be used including: light, various colors, sound and various attenuated frequencies of all of these as methods to bolster an occasionally weakened fine matter essence, 4D human body."

Relevant links: (Tolec's website) (Tolec's YouTube page) (Dr. Marra's website) (Dr. Marra's YouTube page)