Poofness for 10-30-11... "Spooky Halloween Secrets"
I'll not say much here. Just let Suzy Star speak for this, and I'll add more later. Right now I'm finishing coffee at JavaOnTheRock.com (see photo below). Aloha...

Dear Ones,
Well as Poof says much is going on behind the scenes as all obstacles are cleared away and when we do see a release of our funds and the dinar is publically RV'd we will not have to worry about losing them and the DF's won't be able to benefit. Keep the faith and stay in the observor mode. It is happening. Love, blessings peace & abundance,
Suzy Star
Do You Want To Know A Secret
The Beatles

Greetings and Salutations;
Someone suggested, I just say this week, ditto ditto, ditto, good bye. I can not tell anyone the 'moment', but huge things have transpired this past week, that have set the world up for it's transition....to the brave new world. I realize that telling spooky stories to people(bad news) gets more press, what will folks do when they find out the 'problems' have solved. While the dinar has not shown publicly, behind the curtain it's already being traded. All else is slated to dump and flip this world out and it will happen pretty much on top of each other. This will add to the confusion and our safety...from the vultures. I don't have anything against vultures, they have a job to do to. In jamaica, if you kill one, the authorities will make you eat it. Hopefully they were dieting on fish...and yes they do eat fish. They only th ing you need to do is, follow instructions and don't try 'free lancing'. The trust has rules, follow them. That banker's job is to advise you about it to safe guard yourself. This is no time to be bragging...keep your mouth shut and all will be well.
If you can read dutch or have a translator check this out;
I suggest a native american training secret, if you dream of monsters growling at you, learn to ignore them, then you'll find them powerless, if you do that. You are in 'dream time' right now and you need to ignore the goblins afoot, running their mouths at you. Don't send that stuff to me, I'll just delete it. The goblins need your attention, it gives them power. They are much more aware of what's going on out here, than you are but they don't want you to turn your back on them. They'll be left screaming at their own walls and mirrors. The cover is coming off this scandal and some will not like what is put before them, and they will scream to have the blankie put back over them, so they can return to their comfortable limits.(ignorance) As Jack said in the movie...'you can't handle the truth' and it's true, some can't and t hey will flip out. Breath deep, as all gets revealed. The truth will set you free, tho at first it may piss you off. It was the inscrutable one's who insisted americans be told the truth about their country so, they never let it happen again.
Ok folks, that's it, their moment is theirs' and they aren't telling. Just look around, everything is in crisis mode and it must be fixed. Don't buy the stuff that says we're all going to hell in a hand basket, stiff upper lip, now.
Love and Kisses,
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