...if you've experienced your old familiar and much-loved Guides and other inner-plane Teachers and Assistants leaving you or not being able to contact or connect with them this is why. Once our primary Ascension Mission is completed, which it basically is now at the end of the Mayan calendar and 11-11-11 transition, these old Guides, tools, ways, methods etc. are rapidly dissolving and disappearing from us because they've served their purpose perfectly and are being retired. Stair steps remember? Thank you, thank you, tha nk you my old Starbeing Assistants and Guides for having my back and babysitting me while I was down here doing what I came here to do now.
This article by Denise I found on Steve's site. I had not read it until just now, and there were several things that struck. So I'll highlight and then write more.
- ...all these recent dream messages have been repeatedly informing... that all the old Starseed ways, methods, tools information exchanges... don't work any more and have been removed because we've evolved beyond the need for them.
- We don't need these multidimensional middle-men and Way Stations because we're now inches away from being Home again while on Earth in these bodies but in 5D finally!
- ...repeated dreams about old familiar things...they're just more clues about how close we are now to moving through the important transitional gates of 11-11-11 which will activate much more fifth dimensional type energies and consciousness within us.
- Many of us have done this long and slow graduating (evolving) away from our familiar and beloved ascension Guides and Starbeing Assistants because many of us have and will take their places at the completion of the Ascension cycle.
- ...if you've experienced your old familiar and much-loved Guides and other inner-plane Teachers and Assistants leaving you or not being able to contact or connect with them this is why.
- Once our primary Ascension Mission is completed, which it basically is now..., these old Guides, tools, ways, methods etc. are rapidly dissolving and disappearing from us because they've served their purpose perfectly and are being retired.
What Denise is reporting here is that many, if not all, of the former ways that used to "belong" to us are dissolving away, or transforming into what is right for us now. In addition to what she speaks of here (and perhaps I've written some things about this before), there are many people, metaphysical teachers, groups, books, music, etc., etc., etc., that are leaving. Or else we are being presented with these things, right in our face, so we may face them and release them. Although she speaks of dreams, in my own case, this physical in-your-face-ness is how it has happened to me the past few months.
The other part of this, of course, is that we are being moved along, step-by-step, to become our own teacher(s). That long time G-U-R-U of yours (pronounced gee-you-are-you) has now become, well... YOU. Let go of the G-U-R-U and move on, and up.
That may also be why you see folks who are trying to stick to any old (meaning former) ways, are struggling all over the place. Even Ben Fulford, who always used to go to J.R. to be interviewed, finally realized he was not able to get his message out well that way, so he switched to SDM (click here for that reference). That's why, at some point in my own growth, I let go of the fear-promoters (including Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, and many others), even though they had helped me greatly in the past, helped to wake me up. Just dropped them from my sphere of awareness. It was time.
And all schools, churches, classes, teachers, books, people, spirits, and so on, that have been "so great for us in the past"... when that Inner Sense says, "Time to let go", it's time to let go.
So here's Denise (and her Mom...read on).
Recent Repeated Dream Messages
From about October 15–16, 2011 up to early this morning, I've had four different dreams all saying the same thing but using different personal tools to make sure I get the message. My Mom also had a dream a few nights ago with the same message, but using symbolic tools that meant something to her personally. I know if we're both getting these messages now, so too are many of you, and all for the same reasons.
Most of these recent dream messages I and my Mom have had were specifically for Starseed souls. Very briefly, most of us Starseeds, and probably Indigos too, have had monitoring and assistance from our different dimensional and stellar Home Stations throughout our lives. They've typically happened while we're asleep and out of our physical bodies in another dimension and "dreaming" (not a dream at all of course but an actual journey and meeting) where it was easier to connect with our non-physical Starbeing friends and family and them with us for different reasons. Some of those reasons were meetings where large numbers of Earth incarnate Starseeds needed to receive the latest information from Home about the Ascension Process etc.; other times we'd find ourselves in some hospital-like setting for Starseeds where we 'd receive any needed energy adjustments and/or energy body repair work caused by our 3D Ascension Missions in physicality and so on.
These recent dream messages mean what they do to us now because they've been about our nearly lifelong Starseed inner plane "dream" meetings and hospital Repair Shop visits etc. Point is that all these recent dream messages have been repeatedly informing me and Mom that all the old Starseed ways, methods, tools information exchanges etc. don't work any more and have been removed because we've evolved beyond the need for them. Said another way—Mission accomplished Starseeds—so these decades-old multidimensional, non-physical Starseed First-Aid Centers and Communication and Meeting locations have been dismantled because we don't need them any longer. We don't need these multidimensional middle-men and Way Stations because we're now inches away from being Home again while on Earth i n these bodies but in 5D finally!
So if you've been or suddenly start having repeated dreams about old familiar things, tools, methods and ways of doing things or traveling or fixing or "healing" and them NOT WORKING anymore, they're just more clues about how close we are now to moving through the important transitional gates of 11-11-11 which will activate much more fifth dimensional type energies and consciousness within us.
I was going to make this topic another article but it fit's with these dream messages so I'll add it here.
I've mentioned in other articles that my lifelong Starbeing assistants/teachers/guides and help from Home began energetically retreating from me the last couple of years before the start of the Eighth Wave (January 5 1999), which was the start of the physical, biological Ascension Process, especially for the First Wave Starseed group.
Once I got my nerve up, I asked them why they were leaving me, and they informed me that I was about to start a very intense and difficult process and phase of my Starseed Soul Mission work and that they could not and would not in any way interfere with my living/struggling through it. In other words, the training wheels were removed in January 1999, and I had to do this thing on my own for my personal soul growth. No more multidimensional middle-men while I went through the Alchemical Ascension Fires of Transformation. Said yet another way, it was time for me to evolve and replace my own Guides and Starbeing Assistants.
Many of us have done this long and slow graduating (evolving) away from our familiar and beloved ascension Guides and Starbeing Assistants because many of us have and will take their places at the completion of the Ascension cycle.
So if you've experienced your old familiar and much-loved Guides and other inner-plane Teachers and Assistants leaving you or not being able to contact or connect with them this is why. Once our primary Ascension Mission is completed, which it basically is now at the end of the Mayan calendar and 11-11-11 transition, these old Guides, tools, ways, methods etc. are rapidly dissolving and disappearing from us because they've served their purpose perfectly and are being retired. Stair steps remember? Thank you, thank you, thank you my old Starbeing Assistants and Guides for having my back and babysitting me while I was down here doing what I came here to do now.
October 20, 2011
Copyright © 2011–2013 Denise Le Fay. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link. http://deniselefay.wordpress.com/
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