I felt this needed to be posted now. This was a bit unexpected, that I would listen to this (so far, only Part 1, found at 2012 Scenario). I've heard Drunvalo before, and have actually heard Liloumace interview someone before (and here's her YouTube page). She lives on Kauai, and does lots of interviews.
Anyway, here's the deal (my deal, I suppose). There is much information here. Some of it does align with other sources. Particularly what he says about the (get ready... links to articles on this blog coming up... now...) 13 crystal skulls journey and the demise of the reptilians on this planet (in Part 2, I believe).
So the "deal" from my end is, that this gives each of us another chance to "tune in" to Higher Discernment. Ask for this Higher Discernment as you watch these, and see where it points your "validity arrow". It may even be "valid" for some, and not for others.
Parts of this resonated strongly. And that's all I'll say. Except this:
"Be Aware when listening to Fast-Talkers"... Put another way:
"Beware the Fast-Talkers" (namely, the meaning of "Beware" = "Be Aware")
In my experience and understanding, there is only one talker to pay attention to, and that is the Higher Inner Talker (HIT). For myself, the HIT Being is my guide.
Links to the other two parts of this are here (Part 2) and here (Part 3). Or watch the videos Parts 2 & 3 below.

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