This video, with Drunvalo Melchizedek and Mayan Elder Don Alejandro, presents a picture of what is developing as we finish the Ninth Wave of the Mayan Calendar (end date, 10-28-11). Much of the video is nicely put together, and I would say describes, in many ways quite accurately, what is occurring now.
[Although I do make two cautions: 1) The rather "doomy" picture painted during the "Sun" portion I do not see as what will happen to us. We are developing bodies that can transmute these energies, and do transmute them, as we relax and stay free from fear. And 2) a few seconds of cattle being branded and de-horned, you may wish to fast forward through.]
Overall, my "get" was that this video was to be shared. Below is what the Spirit of Ma'at web page writes about this. As always, Higher Discernment advised.
High-Speed, Ninth-Wave, 4-D Shift
"It isn't our practice to post videos on the main page of the magazine, but this is a media presentation that deserves headline status. What you are about to watch is approximately fifteen-minutes of information that is 100% relevant to where we find ourselves at the moment. It includes footage of Mayan Elder Don Alejandro reminding us where the heart lies. His words are reinforced by scientific data that points out the connection between the Earth's Magnetic Field and the increase and intensification of Solar Flare activity coming off of the Sun. All of this is followed up with footage of Drunvalo explaining the physics and metaphysics of a polar shift. Time is flying, and as we all know 'a picture is worth a thousand words', so give yourself fifteen minutes to absorb this uplifting and enlightening presentation on what it actually means to pass through the Eye of the Needle. "

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