This is a short Poof, but concentrated and filled with "goodness", like a cream or mango jelly filled Tex Drive Inn malasada. Another series of steps completed, he presents suggestions on the healthy attitudes to possess when prosperity funds (whatever that means, exactly, I will not venture into that) are released (and whatever that means, exactly, I will not venture into that, either). Enjoy the Poofiness, and feel free to order a dozen malasadas for heightened reading pleasure.
- The folks in the rafters always told me, the euro was not going down, but they would destroy the worth less paper all these countries were sitting on.
- Scaring the crap out of the public was the old formula and they continue to use it. The problem now is, they've over played their hand.
- A whole host of things the world has been waiting for, have been resolved. Now the howling shall begin. Make sure you don't become one of the howlers.
- All these know 'everythings' failed to mention all the crap that needed to be sorted out before they would release the rescue to the world... The folks in the rafters had to insure there would be no global depression, against the will of the new world order crowd.
- The way things have been handled, I'm willing to bet, somebody will create a website, after it's all done, about all this stuff about the transfer of the wealth in the world, never happening.
- Ok, have a good one and let the person at the bank who represents the trust answer your questions. They will answer your questions in harmony with the will of trust, that's their job, and your main contact after you've accessed.
Song of Hope
All things bright and beautiful You are
All things wise and wonderful You are
In my darkest night, You brighten up the skies
A song will rise
I will sing a song of hope
Sing along
God of heaven come down
Heaven come down
Just to know that You are near is enough
God of heaven come down, heaven come down
All things new
I can start again
Creator, God
Calling me Your friend
Sing praise, my soul
To the Maker of the skies
A song will rise
I will sing a song of hope
Sing along
God of heaven come down
Heaven come down
Just to know You and be loved is enough
God of heaven come down, heaven come down
Hallelujah, sing
Hallelujah, sing
Hallelujah, sing
Song of Hope Lyrics – Robbie Seay Band Song Words
Single Song Words by Artist / Band : Robbie Seay Band

POOF for October 16th ~ Deliverance
Greetings and Salutations;
Ok folks, timing is everything. If you thought europe's banking crises suddenly 'fixed' was just a ploy, I got some land in the swamps of south fla I want to sell you. As usual, I'm always looking for someone to say where the money was coming from. The folks in the rafters always told me, the euro was not going down, but they would destroy the worth less paper all these countries were sitting on. For weeks I've been watching the roof burn off, knowing the foundation was intact. But what makes better headlines in the news? Good news? Nope...'we're all going to hell in a hand basket' is what sells. Scaring the crap out of the public was the old formula and they continue to use it. The problem now is, they've over played their hand. Gotta know when to 'fold 'em'. And I want to know if jamie dimon wants some cheese to go with th at 'whine'. Put salt and pepper on all that worthless paper and eat it. Hark, 'the raven nevermore'.
A whole host of things the world has been waiting for, have been resolved. Now the howling shall begin. Make sure you don't become one of the howlers. You will have an adjustment to make, you will learn to shut up and become more private. I don't sign anything but checks, watch what you sign up for. Tell folks you got money? What are you thinking? I know many of you want to participate in the remaking of this world, there will be proper venues thru which you can do that, without exposing yourself to hackers and other miscreants. 'I don't know' is always a good response, when in doubt. Never mind your ego. All these know 'everythings' failed to mention all the crap that needed to be sorted out before they would release the rescue to the world, that would have resulted in starting the machine back up, had they not been taken c are of. The folks in the rafters had to insure there would be no global depression, against the will of the new world order crowd. Nothing works better in this world than taking their money from them. Still I imagine, their will still be some 'whack a mole' for a bit as somebody steps out and tries something to take everything back to the last century.
The way things have been handled, I'm willing to bet, somebody will create a website, after it's all done, about all this stuff about the transfer of the wealth in the world, never happening. They will even mention me as I sip on an umbrella drink off the med somewhere. That's ok, I'm shunning them, turning my back and walking away. Please understand when you send me stuff and I don't respond, it's because it's just another version of the 'duh' in the world, nothing they do surprises me. You should know by now, they are no more than children playing in the sandlot and are capable of anything. They are very creative repeating what they think is a new and novel idea. Solomon said, 'there's nothing new under the sun'...they just rehash stuff and hope you don't catch it ... like 'trickle down economics'. Feudalism..indeed!
Ok, have a good one and let the person at the bank who represents the trust answer your questions. They will answer your questions in harmony with the will of trust, that's their job, and your main contact after you've accessed. Have fun and have a wonderful future.
Love and Kisses,
PS: the answer to the infrastructural bridge problem

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