I felt this wanted to be posted, primarily because the messages I heard from Hawaiian homelands beneficiaries at 1:08 (the lady) and 1:16 (Iokepa and LaKea) were very inspiring, to me. To me, this is what "governance" should be about... the kanaka (local people) taking responsibility for the `Δ€ina that is rightfully theirs... NOT the so-called "State" or committees telling them how they are going to "dole out" [sic] their lands...
And doing it because it is their kuleana (sacred path). That is the same as I feel. Many of us, I'm sure, understand that we would follow our sacred path for absolutely NOTHING (namely, no pay).
See what you think.
From this article: http://www.bigislandvideonews.com/2016/02/05/video-hawaiians-tell-dhhl-aole-to-dlnr-humuula-leases
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