One may listen to the interview at this SoundCloud page, or via the previous post.
2016 January 26 – Q & A with Cobra
Some Technology From The Pleiades
In my home somewhere on Maui

Robs Monthly Update Introduction
Hello Ladies and gentlemen. Peace unto you who are listening and peace unto the planet at this time. My interview with Cobra the special edition of Victory of the Light radio show and the question and answer is soon to follow. Cobra interview transcript is below scroll you wil see it.
Dear Promise Friends,
The Cobra interview was late this month and we apologize. Cobra postponed the interview a bit and we have just received the audio and transcript. The Cobra interview is below and clearly marked to read interview immediately go there.
Last month was some controversy that came mostly from other people. Cobra and I agree to disagree on certain subjects. In last months instance it was on The Office of The Christ and The Ascended Master Yehoshua. Ordinarily I do not comment however due to our intimate association I felt the need to clarify my views are not his on this subject. That is all!
Cobra and I are gentlemen and the mission continues. The mission is not about him or me; it is about liberation of our world through TRUTH and love vibration.
Many attacked me and I responded as usual with a defense of myself. If it was nasty I mirrored that nastiness. Admittedly not my finest hour but I am human and get tired of people doing nothing telling me how to run my website. In calmer moments I don't respond.
I also received many people supporting me for not being true to my inner voice on this subject, thank you for your support.
Special Thanks to Rique Seraphico for his support of cobra and this monthly interview. He spends endless hours editing these interviews and he is going through a trying personal transition and our prayers are with him. You may help by purchasing his Cd through my website under music!
God Bless Danell Glade for her fine transcription of these interviews month after month.
Thank you for Editing Sam
Folks Hope Girl shared with me this tragic story in Tanzania. an Orphan himself has created an orphange and he is in deep need. I will not rest until this orphanage is funded. This kind man in Tanzania who is being held for ransom by his government for his orphanage which is not registered. They want him to register and the govt wants to charge $4000.00. ???!!!
I called him and he was out foraging for vegetables for his kids with a stick! We need an open heart and a sincere person to save this guy. They can put him in jail at any moment. This is not a scam this is real service in action. I contributed and I will ask you all to help as well. Please look out for Hope Girl interview. Please this is love in service lets help these innocent children.
support chris by clicking here : Help desperate children by clicking here
A Private Telephone conversation transcribed by Danell Glade with financial insider shared for your reading pleasure go here:

The Haleakula Solar Activation with Luis Maertens
~ Is Confirmed ~
…and Luis will be with me here on Maui Feb 26-28!. Do go ahead to get your tickets and reservation in site now. http://thepromiserevealed.com/event/haleakala-solar-activation/
Please help support Ada Shaw by donating to Translate Luis Maertens books. Ada is head of Cobra Etheric Liberation group on Facebook and was in Egypt with our group in Dec 2012. She has created a Go Fund Me program to raise money for her time to get Luis amazing information of love and hope to the English-speaking world. Please lets donate to this cause. It will help Ada and the light workers of the world as well. https://www.gofundme.com/y9hv3ub8#
Cobra has installed a new tachyon chamber in South Dakota
You can visit it by going to this website here.
The hints to the advanced levels of technology exist in plain sight.
Excerpt from the Afterword by Dr. Takaaki Musha:
This well-balanced and unbiased book is long overdue for those searching for the truth about advanced technologies currently being concealed from the general populace by elite levels of governments.
Dr. Musha's books: http://www.amazon.com/Takaaki-Musha/e/B00Y997ZCY/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_4?qid=1454027199&sr=1-4
Bill Hamilton an old school researcher I met in the early 70's bases on mars release in 2014.
Alan Holt called Dr Fred Bell in his home many years ago asking him to be a scientist on star Wars program during the Reagan Era. I listened in as Fred declined to work for evil Govt. agenda. Alan Holt now releases some inside intelligence on trans dimensional physics, hyper space travel vortexes and worm holes showing faster than light travel is viable and scientifically provable fact!
I Highly recommend George Filer website and that you all subscribe to his monthly UFO reports. They are most informative follow this months link here :
I also recommend you research George Green who has been disseminating Pleiadean information on world transformation for many years. He gives away free books
Here is a good interview on Commander Valiant Thor and Dr Frank Stranges I did some time ago http://worldpeaceassociation.com/?s=rob+potter&search=Search
VT Today/ My Heroes
One the most important websites in the world is releasing an avalanche of data confirming corruption at the highest levels of governance. The incredible details of criminal activities in the US Military leadership has led to defections from evil and manipulated agendas of war and mayhem by high ranking white hats.
The VT site has released evidence of murder of US citizens and foreign nationals the world over by our rogue nation and is a long awaited breath of fresh air to distraught world citizens. The credibility of these former military personnel at VT and transparency with which they release their information is something that the entire world should applaud.
They have ample evidence against Kissinger the Bushes, Clintons and a host of others for drug trafficking sex trafficking multiple murders, acts of terrorism and other heinous acts that will one day be used against these I have named and many others. This evidence will serve as an indictment of many for crimes against humanity. I pray this day comes soon.
Please subscribe to their amazing reports. http://www.veteranstoday.com
Some interesting links to articles that indicate rapid acceleration of disclosure type data so others may have a deep resource of evidence that the conspiracy people are actually intelligent people!
I have spoken in LA at their center and this site rocks please familiarize your self with THE PHOENIX JOURNALS http://www.fourwinds10.net
Here are other sites you can peruse for truth including Theresa Zummers site http://www.veritasgalacticsweden.net
My contributions to the main content on PFC can be seen here
Cope circles continue and the messages the convey are profound and meaningful as metaphysical information glyphs and beautiful eye candy to the artistic. Only the most programmed can deny these come from above as they shove their close minded heads into the sand emulating the human ostrich syndrome. I now claim a new psychological disorder. The HOS syndrome… perhaps a vaccination or a series of drugs to combat this like ADD will be formulated to make pharmaceutical industries richer. LOL
Vaccination Resistance
The Dengue and the Zika LIES
Here are 2 links one is to My recent interview with Len Horowitz as we Debunk vaccinations that cause Autism Aids Dengue and Zika. There are many other DNA altering horrors upon ignorant people who accept the dictates of the NWO the WHO the CDC and general propaganda that destroys lives on a daily basis. Do not get Vaccinated ever! Please at least read the label of disclaimers and ingrediaents. You may note they tell you by getting vaccinated you cannot hold them responsible for genetically altering your DNA….. sick people they are very sick.
Of course Bill Gates who is most likely a cloned puppet of chimera who is funding death destruction and mayhem to the human DNA. These agendas are most likely to scare us into forced vaccination lines. If there is an attempt to be force vaccinations on the populace, I will predict violence in the streets. The super weaponized versions may actually kill many people. I will bet the militia begins armed resistance to the mark of the beast! I pray that it does not come to this but we are not cattle to be marked and made into slaves.
This is a Website of superior court judge who is trying to do the right thing. It looks good but the caveat is she has many "titled" names and ends her now famous letter "In service to his Holiness the Poop". God confers holiness by a sanctified life of an individual and is only recognized by a cacred presence emanating from one such individual.
Holiness is not a secular position voted on by other people in an organization that is riddled with corruption and hides the truth from those who innocently and ignorantly give their acquiescence to these "authorities" to lead them. Her proclamation looks good! Time will tell if it bears the fruit we would expect.
Information about Cintamani stones history and how to use them. We are out of stones more are on the way and rings are still in stock!
My numerologist offers her amazing services to you
Upcoming VOL radio shows include the incredible Hope Girl and a 2 hour special with Randy Kramer AKA Captain K !
Listen to my VOL Radio shows here live as they play live Thursday nights at 8PM New York time and 5PM Los Angeles time.
Gemstone University for Status correction and new financial system
Thank you all.
Victory to the light
Rob Potter
Here is Cobra 's Interview Transcript
Rob – OK Ladies and gentlemen.
As promised, here we are again with Cobra and I have a couple announcements before we start. A lot of people have been sending me multiple questions. Please ladies and gentlemen. Please keep your questions to maybe 3 or 4. I would really appreciate that.
Also, if you could not ask just questions about youtubes or books or personal people. Again I have to remind you please read the book, look at your youtube and ask several specific questions. Many people are sending us very long information for us to do homework on and then to make a general comment. We tend to not prefer to comment on other's work. Please keep that in mind.
Also, last month there was some controversy in regards to some post with the Cobra interview and so forth. We had some difference in opinion and Cobra and I agreed to disagree. So we're going to address that in just a second but there's no problem with Cobra.
I absolutely support him. I know that Cobra is absolutely pure in his intent. I've defended Cobra constantly against attack from people and I am a supporter of Cobra. I have done 3 conferences. I have done a tremendous amount of work with Cobra and I feel that his information is absolutely tremendous and powerful especially within the bandwidth of the control matrix.
Never before have we had such clarity about the plasma scalar field, the forces behind it, the implant matrixes and things of this nature and I want to make it clear, very clear that I support Cobra. We're big boys and we can agree to disagree on certain metaphysical information here and there.
A disagreement Does not change the mission. It's not about me, it's not about Cobra, it's not about our differences or limited human views. We're all coming together here in a space of love and peace and so I wanted to support that information and love. Cobra. . . You would agree with what I just said, right.
COBRA – Yes, I would just say that let us go beyond that drama and just carry on with the mission.
Rob – Absolutely. Thank you very much. Folks, we've had a lot of interesting things going on in the last few weeks. Cobra was away. We had to delay the interview. We've had many requests for when it's coming out. We're doing our best to get this out.
So Cobra, since we last talked, Alex Collier came to my conference and again we've talked about this before and it's quite timely. Yesterday you made a post about the 9th planet which of course is the planet which you said the Resistance comes from and you made a wonderful post explaining about that people would see a blue methane gas water planet that if they looked closely within the gradient level of 10 pixels they'd be able to see actually the rectangular glass things, I guess windows that would look on the sub surface out into space there. So this is the Resistance Movement planet and this is good news. Also you mentioned that here where I am on Maui, the Chimera still control the deep underground space center complex and they're actually will be taking away any evidence from major astronomical observatories on this planet and that kind of shuts it down folks.
That explains why we haven't heard too much of that. Read that post of Cobra's as well as keep in touch with his blog on the portal http://www.2012portal.blogspot.com. I wouldnt to bring that up but with information from Alex Collier I wouldn't bring this up and you just made it clear on this post and answered one part of this question. I was wondering about the Nibiru.
Does the resistance have any information, and I'd like you to ask them if there are any other planetoid worlds or comets or anything dwarf, invisible sun as some people are saying, coming into our solar system and effecting our, you know volcanic activity, any type of things like that?
COBRA – OK. I know that answer already and they have been absolutely sure that there is nothing that will cause the orbit of the earth come close enough to disturb the tectonic activity on the planet or have any kind of catastrophic impact on the planet in the near future. So nothing like that exists inside our solar system right now.
Rob – OK. Very interesting. I did just have an interview with Randy Kramer that will be coming out soon a two part, the SSP guy. And he confirmed the information about the what is called, what he considers Nibiru and he says it comes every 3600 years. He said it will supposedly not arrive for another 1200 years.
According to Billy Meyers notes that I was reading they have bumped it's orbit and it will not be a danger to the earth planet. You said anything that will cause a disturbance. Is it possible that there maybe another large something coming within in the solar system but would not cause tectonic damage that may effect weather or something like this.
COBRA – According to my understanding there is no celestial body that will disrupt life on earth. But what is happening and is already in the process of starting is the galactic pulse. The galactic pulse happens every 26k years and of course is already affecting whether systems on the planet.
Rob – Absolutely. There's been some information that there may be some increased type of earthly cataclysm that may get humanity's attention that would be a natural cataclysm that cannot be, you know, overcome by the Galactics. We have to have a certain amount of tectonic activity and it's possible that some things could be happening. I'd like to mention that there was an earth quake off the coast of Malibu and off of Alaska recently. And the one off Malibu is right at that location. Can you tell us, was that earth quake natural or was there something going on with that underground Malibu entrance.
COBRA – Nothing was going on at that particular location that was not natural.
Rob – OK. So that is made that clear folks. Cobra says that there's nothing coming in. The Nibiru thing is not correct according to cobra.
We've clarified that some of the people that were talking that were in a recent public announcement about this planet, it is not Nibiru, so no need to panic or fear. It's not the destroyer comet. Cobra we've had some radiation spikes in the USA starting in November and private researchers have confirmed a lot of these. Is there anything that you can say about this? Is this Fukushima, is this possible wave that came from that or any information on the radiation spikes from November through December in the Western U.S.
COBRA – This was not just happening in the Western United States. it's happening across the U.S. and it's not related to Fukushima. It's more related to certain, I would say, experiments that the negative military did and unfortunately some of those spikes are real. They are not extremely dangerous but it is still a concern. No reason to be afraid but at the same time, it's good for people to be aware and it's good for people to monitor that independently for any public institution. So some people have prior measuring devices to monitor radioactivity that's a good idea.
Rob – Yes, that's good. I actually bought a very small one. It's like $50. you can stick it in your i-pone. It's an app. I took it to the store here in Maui and went to the fish section to see if there was anything there. I didn't get any readings but obviously maybe some gentleman nuclear power is the most abused and dangerous sources of I guess enemies to human health. Part of the original benevolent E.T. contacts required that the earth put away it's dangerous nuclear technology.
So in your previous update you talked about a lot of positive financial system updates. Can you please comment on any progress that's taking place or is it just bringing in the last three weeks any on going program with the Yuan becoming exchange currency of choice internationally?
We've had drops in the Dow, Baltic Index. Can you please comment. This is obviously an attrition situation. Can you give us a little more details on what is going on in the financial system and something hopeful we an look forward to.
COBRA – Yes, of course the same process is continuing in the last few weeks. There is a lot of preparations in the back ground to reposition the basket of currencies to give them more equal and balanced perspective when the reset comes. There is strengthening of the Eastern alliance on the financial front. There is the continuation of the attack against the cabal by lowering the oil prices because this will bring the Cabal to their knees. This is one of the major sources of their income and this is why the price of oil is dropping so fast to bring the Cabal to their knees. And along with that of course there is continuation on the political front and on the military front. So it's an ongoing process which is slow becomes things need to continue carefully, not to trigger any unwanted responses from the Cabal, so we need to do it in the way that everybody can manage.
Rob – I was contacted by an individual who was very powerful in the trading of the platforms. A good guy and actually I think I spoke to you about this. He was invited to Bush's ranch and they offered to give him this money and he refused that deal. He's recently been set straight and he's vested in some treasury bonds and I know you don't think it's necessarily going to happen. He's working with the Chinese with the Mui-hai. I'm putting a link in the intro for people to read that basic phone conversation that he agreed to make public. Danell made the transcription so people can look at that. He's very positive. He said he never felt more calm that things were happening. He said Cabal members were calling in to their meetings and trying to disrupt them. Can you tell me. . . he told me that some people have been funded. I said really, who? He said Obama who just bought a giant piece of property, mansion, I think it's in Qatar. I was like; Why would hey fund him? I said was the bad guys. Yea, the bad guys let this funding go through. Is there any funding of the positive benevolence groups on the down low that you know about.
COBRA – No, unfortunately that project you heard about is that the bad guys has released some of the funds to their minions to keep them in line. That's all that happened. It has nothing to do with the financial reset. It has nothing to do with what we're hoping for. This is a completely different story.
Rob – I'm going to do one last financial question, there might be another one down the line. There were some runs for people who were taking some of their money out of the banks. Do you see this as something that's a good thing. Is the run will that foment panic or should people slowly take their money out of their banks. what do you think?
COBRA – I said a long time ago to take your money out of the bank. It's not safe there #1. #2 -If you keep it in the bank you are giving a free loan to the Cabal to continue with their control mechanism.
Rob – OK folks, that should put safe sales up and be sure you keep it safe if you do that. You can put Mylar around your money that will stop any cabal related machines that can read how much money you have in their house and believe me folks, they do have it. Those micro chips in the dollars, they can tell how much money you have in your cars as you drive through your little toll roads and stuff.
That technology is out there.
We'll switch it up a little bit now. This is an exact quote from a scientist. He gave me his credentials here, but I just thought I'd ask it. "According to current scientific theories the heat source for the core of the earth is supposedly coming from accretion impact of from asteroids on the earth". To me this seems a little bit of suspect. My question is; Is it true that the earth's mass and eternal heat is a result of astral accretion or is there more to the story.
COBRA – Yes. Of course there's more to the story. The original source of heat in everybody in this universe came from the original singularity. Original singularity is not something that just happened. The Big bang is not just a certain explosion that happened a long time ago. There is a certain hyper dimension tunnel created between this dimension and higher dimensions that enable continuous flow of energy which is more than just the energy that can be mattered from the physical plane and this is one of the reasons scientists have sometimes problems in describing the energy momentum and the angular momentum of the body because there is some certain amount of energy that is not fitting in their équations, I'll put it this way. It's because is not coming from the physical plane. To put in the a different way; the center of the planet is a portal. And the energy is coming from that portal.
Rob – Than you very much. That confirms what Dr. Frank Strange has said on occasion when he went with commander Valiant Thor. They would actually transfer from the portal in the inner earth to Venus. Question here from one of our Egyptian 2012 crew JIm. "Are important vortex that are controlled by darkness fortified with entities, parasites, etheric technologies. If yes, can you please give us as much detail as possible on this?
COBRA – Yes, of course they are fortified with entities and technology and #1 technology are stranglet bombs on the plasma plane and this is what keeps those vortexes stable.
Rob – OK. I'm wondering, obviously some of these vortexes are coming down. Are these vortexes tied in to the natural nodes or ley lines of the earth.
COBRA – Yes, that's all interconnected.
Rob – As the vibration of the planet changes and these new ley lines are being established on the planet, will some of these vortexes simply become non functioning due to the shifting of the earth's vibration or did these vortexes artificially try to move with the new lines.
COBRA – Only the negative vortexes will be dissolved. They will be annihilated so or they will transfer into the positive ones, so there will be no more negative vortexes on the planet when the time is right.
Rob – Very good. Alex Collier said that the frequency fence is down. I don't know what that means. I haven't been on the mainland and it's pretty vibrationally clear here in Hawaii. Would you give us any updates on the plasma scalar field network within the physical aspect of the satellites and some of the more baser technologies in the control matrix on the earth. Has there been any major developments in the last month.
COBRA – There has been some developments on the physical aspect, yes there has been improvements but unfortunately the plasma aspect is not OK yet. Far from it.
Rob – Can you tell us; is the ELF wave situation which carries a disruptor field into every electrical line in the U.S. in the past, still in process at this point in time and is there still ELF waves in the mind control matrix coming through everybody's electrical systems.
COBRA – Yes it is still so because I would say the plasma aspect of electricity are as some people call it, an invisible current is still there and it has not been taken care of yet.
Rob – OK, that's unfortunate. Now I have another question and I wasn't really sure exactly what he's saying here. I mean you and I kind of agree on the A.I. that it's a very advanced technology, that it is controlled and has a program and once the program and the technology itself is shut down it will no longer be a problem. Many people feel it's this know all be all technology. So they wanted to know, here's a question; Does the real A.I. play the role of the an Architect that constructs or creates the world we're allowed to see by localizing the wave particles as it pleases through our subconscious and eyes." In other words are we just seeing. . . in the spiritual aspects, the great Avatar Yogananda said: this is a dream and you'll wake up into the reality of who you are after you pass over, but this life is a dream. Is that being controlled to that level that we're actually watching a movie controlled by the dark forces is the question.
COBRA – No it is not controlled to that way. level. That is not true
Rob – What is controlled to a certain extent.
COBRA – The A.I. I would just say, I would say the software aspect of the technology that was created by biological beings, the Chimera. They created artificially intelligence (A.I.) as a tool to assist them in their control of the planet of this sector of the galaxy. The A.I. is not a problem. The main problem is the free will of beings that went on the negative side. The A.I. is just a problem, which can be hacked, and the RM doesn't have any problems with A.I. They completely mastered that in their own environment and they can master it in this environment as soon as the critical mass of people who will use their free will to support that decision.
Rob – OK. Thank you. A further question on this. Alfred Lambremont Webber. I haven't really followed it because it's more negative bad news. I know the positive elements of our benevolent space family will be able to take care of it. It's a little beyond the human technology at this point if it is real and you just talked about the physical aspect that we hope to be removing this.
The question is; what is the story with black goo. Is it real? Is there really goo? Some super soldier, some people have said that they recalled in some of their programs being injected with some sort of black substance. Did they have goo of nanite technology that they used? Is there any truth to the black goo theory? Could you explain that?
COBRA – Yes that technology did exist. It was dangerous at a certain point but it was taken care of. It was not always black in color sometimes it was deep green or brown. Many different sources of colors. It was actually bio liquid full of nanites and controlled by A.I. programs but it was something that Resistance movement has been completely able to destroy in their own environment again. This so-called black goo might only be a problem in certain very deep secret negative military programs at the moment and not anywhere else on the planet. And again at the time of the event this will be completely removed from anywhere.
Rob – Well that's good news folks. The black goo is not really something that we need to worry about on the surface, not that it doesn't exist. I mean obviously if this black goo could get out there, a lot of people would have a lot of issues with it. Did you have something else to say Cobra.
COBRA – Yes. This will not get out because as soon as if it tries to get out to much the RM will just, I would say, do certain things to completely eradicate from the planet. At this moment this black goo can only exist in conditions that are very very controlled, very particular conditions that are only met in certain places very much in control and command of the negative military. They can not just exist and thrive out on the open surface.
Rob – OK. That's really good news as well. I wanted to talk about a little bit, we just did an interview with Len Horowitz. It's not up yet. The brilliant Dentist that uncover the AIDS due to his intellect has become an expert in virology and following the Cabal's vaccination plans. Unfortunately we've had some recent situations where children have actually collapsed within moments of taking vaccinations. Lots of continued weaponization of vaccines is happening.
For instance Dengue fever has recently been weaponized and they've shut down portions of Hawaii and it seems as though they are continuing this pandemic. We know that they've killed Andrew Molden, the man who proved that Autism is created by vaccinations and ladies and gentlemen, if your family is getting vaccinations, but if you're so ignorant and you are refusing to look at the truth and you have damaged your child, there's always forgiveness and you have a long road to hoe. So, NO vaccinations ladies and gentlemen. Cobra, can you talk a little bit about these continued plans and these programs. They never seem to get too far but they put a lot of fear in people. When will we see an end to these viruses that are coming out and the vaccinations? Are there still any microchips being put in there or what's the story.
COBRA – No, no microchips there any more but vaccines are deadly poison. This is not something to laugh about. It's something to fight against severely so people need to spread information about vaccinations about their side effects and raise their voice.
Rob – Thank you Cobra I recommend that people go to len howThe swine flu sight that I worked on with Len Horowitz, community action link, you can see some things that I wrote on how you can become involved in fighting the vaccination programs as well as being aware and approach this cautiously with intelligence and awareness.
Cobra sometime we have questions about different countries. We've had a question in regards to some changes in Poland there. People wanted to know is the leader there part of the Cabal. What's the story in Poland? They mentioned a couple of different things. Can you tell us a little bit about some of the excitement that's been going on in Poland recently?
COBRA – You see we will have to judge by his actions like everybody else. It is not so important at any particular moment is a certain leader is part of the Cabal or is connected with the Cabal. He will be tested by the circumstances because even those many political leaders that were not part of the cabal but succumbed to the pressure, they were not strong enough. So we will see what the situation will be in a few months there.
Rob – OK, thank you. Are there any major vortexes or inner earth entrances in Norway.
COBRA – Yes, of course there are.
Rob – Would you like to comment a little about them. Who's there or what the situation is.
COBRA – There is a very strong Pleiadian energy in Norway and unfortunately there are some negative military bases that monitor and try to control the Pleiadian activity. They have been put in those locations precisely because of the Pleiadians.
Rob – OK. Thank you. I had another gentlemen who called me and I gave him some information that Fred Bell told me about this and people worry about judgment and things like this. I want to read this one question from this one individual who follows you and is. . was feeling confused and stuff. I'll just read the whole question here and let you handle it. "I was reading Cobra's interview on your page and came across a question you asked about homosexuality.
Cobra's quote: in most cases manipulated sexual energy by the Archons because when the sexual energy has been traumatized and can not express in men and women relationships it can be expressed as this but it is not always like that. Is it possible that there's a soul connection with two beings of the same sex which can express in a sexual relationship as well." And then the person says "as being homosexual himself the only thing that upsets me is that he implies that heterosexual are healthy like homosexual relationships are unhealthy and unnatural. Although he did say In most cases it's not manipulated. I can't get over the fact that after finally loving myself I have to hear that I might be unhealthy manipulated because I'm not attracted to women. Our souls have no gender and some ET there. I don't know, I'm confused right now. It's bringing me to tears. Can you please clear this up and ask Cobra to have a bigger discussion about this." I'd like to preface this Cobra with saying, people need to love themselves and there's no judgment and you know a lot of compassion and understanding needed and people need to stop judging others. Can you respond to this gentleman?
COBRA – Yes, of course. I am not putting any judgment upon him. It is his personal choice from his personal decision. I'm not saying which relationship exactly is healthy or unhealthy about his relationships. It's his own personal thing and I'm not going into that. But I'm saying that the vast majority of cases you have a male and female polarity of cosmic architect. This is why possible to have healthy male to female relationships. I also said that it's possible for two souls of the same polarity, for example 2 men to have healthy relationships if there is a connection on the soul level.
Rob – Very good. Thank you for clearing that up. I appreciate that. There's a lot of other programs out there that people are into; anger, violence, rage and hate which will need to address without judgment. People need to be cleared of some of these things. Here's a question you kind of answered it but not everyone may have caught this. I saw you mentioned this that it does bring out some things.
We recently did get another batch of cintimani stones from the cintimani hunters and people are really enjoying them. I do have ways to get faceted ones. Here's a question from someone. Most people have had very positive experiences. Here's a question, some of us who have cintimani stones and are wearing them all the time, 24/7 are experiencing big emotional swings, ups and downs and angry fits.
Can you describe how the cintimani works to clear people's emotional states. Is this one of the main things it does. The person, I suggested they just watch their thoughts and be in control of their emotion and watch it like waves on a beach coming and going. How do you suggest people who are having some intensified emotional reactions to the cintimani stones and can you explain how that happens?
COBRA – If you have a cintimani stones you need to understand it will put you on an accelerated growth path. It will put you in accelerated purification process. This stone is a powerful stone. It is not just a piece of dead matter. It is alive with energy. It will not put any negativity in you but what it will do it will provoke whatever is within you and put it closer to the surface so you might be able to see it, watch it, observe it and release it. And for some people it means releasing strong emotions, for some people it means releasing belief systems. For some people sometimes it depends on the carrier of the stone, so there are no rules of how to deal with this stone. You need to communicate with the stone. It is a living being, it's not just a piece of matter. It's a very intelligent guide that can help you go through a process but know that the process can get sometimes intense.
Rob – Yes Cobra, in the early days of our contacts with the Pleiadians and certainly in '73, '74. Dr. Bell was having the contacts, I was witnessing occasionally some of these things. They were very adamant that crystals have a vibrational field, of course they have the memory that we can interact with in our human bodies. Can you talk a little bit about crystals and their pyramid shape. They have a life force energy. We know that when they're squeezed they create electricity, but this aspect of them being conscious in beings is hard for people to understand.
I would like to give a little back ground here real quick. Someone told me about a guy, he was a priest who was a scientist and he'd developed a machine that could look into the body. It was very interesting and of course the Jesuits controlled it. They wouldn't let it out.
He kept it under wraps. He was in England, but certain aspects of this technology have come out and basically it looks into the body. They were filming the screen of this machine and there was a crystal and there was something moving around between the man and the crystal going back and forth and then when the people who were watching the screen noticed it, it was as if this entity realized it was being watched and went and sat still inside the crystal.
Can you talk a little bit about the level of consciousness and how these crystals, stones and of course it goes back to jewels folks, emeralds and diamonds and sapphires all have these same informational along certain wave energies. Can you talk about how this resonance takes place and the science of that Cobra.
COBRA – There are 3 aspects of this. The first one is the etheric aspect which means that there is always a certain angelic being that is connecting with particular stone and is transmitting energy through that stone. If you go more towards physical (2), there is a lot of plasma current going through crystals because crystalline structure tends to create a resonance field through which plasma can flow a little bit different than any other medium. (3) So it creates an unique specific plasma condition that can assist in that particular crystal in having certain characteristics that would otherwise not be possible.
Rob – Well thank you very much. That's a big part of the work that I really resonated to with my work with Fred Bell that I always enjoyed and is utilizing actually sound, light and color in conjunction with crystals along those lines. People have asked many at times how to use the cintimani stones. I recommend people get small pen lasers or I have some on my site, or whatever, using a laser on the cintimani stone and focusing. Cobra, since we're kind of in this field, I want to jump ahead and ask a question I had. I wanted you to share with people. . . People have asked about manifestation and prayer and I've described it as you have to have an orientation and an inner emotional calling and I tell people with all of your might, with all of your attention and focus with a heart open to focus onto entering into the silence and to calling forth your I AM presence. Can you give your own description of someone who is feeling a deep longing to connect with their I AM presence.
How would they go about this and mentally preparing if any suggestions you may have for this. For me, when I go in a prayer, sometimes it's stronger or deeper based on my feelings and my personal situation every moment. I'm asking you; are there, I mean I know physically we can prepare nice quite rooms, some people like candle light to focus on, it's a good way to go. If you could maybe share with the best way mentally, I guess this is an individual process, but how you would describe the preparation to focus on the I Am presence and their own innate God consciousness, you know the Christ within as I would call it.
COBRA – This is a mental process. It is something that happens in silence in the void. So what I would say is to move instructions for the time being, have some empty space, physically and some time, allocate some time and then just surrender and be in that silence in that void and things will begin to happen.
Rob – Thank you very much. Coming it back down to there real world here. I did some posts recently about Hillary and Bill Clinton, the drug running, the sex slaves and the criminal activities and the murders that have taken place around them. Ladies and gentlemen, when they went into Waco, most people don't realize but Bill Clinton's body guard was one of the first people in the window and the 2nd group came up and murdered him
. Which brings us to the next question that is highly suspect of the official story. Very recently Hillary Clinton's Secret Service agents, personal bodyguards, 4 of them died in a car crash. Any insights on this Cobra?
COBRA – They died because they wanted to speak and you know that she has many secrets that she would not want to come out.
Rob – OK. Thank you, that's very concise and clear to the point and an understatement. That kind of leads us to this next question. There's a guy that's come out and there's another guy I've been contacted in the SSP here. He's kind of like Randy Kramer. He doesn't have his memories. He doesn't want to become public yet, but he told me that at an early age when he did his 20 and back, he was used as a sex slave as a boy from 9 – 16 in these Secret Cabal parties that are like "Eyes wide shut" whatever Stanley Kubrick movie with Tom Cruise, I forget the name of it where the elite have these horrendous sexual parties and stuff like this. I don't know if you've heard about him, but there's a guy who was coming out and he's in later age and he claims to be an M-K Ultra sex slave and he's been talking about Hollywood people coming to these parties where some of them are cloned and then they're tortured in their ritual or something like this. He has a lot of claims of they're pretty outlandish including Dick Cheney who killed 21 clones. I believe this is possible. I'm kind of curious.
COBRA – It's not only possible this actually was happening especially in the time frames starting from late '70's until I would say 2001-2002.
Rob – So these murders are not happening any more and can you talk about that.
COBRA – Cloning with a purpose of those cloning beings being used in those rituals is not happening any more.
Rob – OK. that's good, so this guy talking about some of these things recently and you can say it hasn't happened and he may be accessing older memories or something possibly.
COBRA – He's saying it's happening recently? Or what was he saying.
Rob – He was saying recently, in fact he's saying there was the famous black comedian who died suddenly, Bernie Mack was taking into one of these and as you know they progressively show these Hollywood people into a deeper deeper level and if they resist the program, they don't go any farther. But he came into this thing and according to this guy, this black comedian Bernie Mack said that this person shouldn't be treated this way and he was removed from the Cabal ritual and the next day he had a brain aneurism and was dead.
COBRA – Yes, yea, it's true. Those rituals do happen but they don't involve clones any more.
Rob – OK. Well that's some heavy stuff there anyway. Let's give us an update on the situation in Europe and here's a quote from a person a question, "A while back you seemed to indicate that very negative people were entering Europe described as refugees could be easily identified and removed by the light forces. Rapes have occurred. Can you give an updates on the progress on the removal of these hostile, Muslim elements planted within the European continent."
COBRA – I can not answer this question because this is highly classified information.
Rob – OK, but they're working on it obviously.
COBRA – Of course, of course. They can not just remove anything at once but they are making further plans but as I said, it's very very very sensitive issue right now.
Rob – Yes, it certainly is. I check in the main stream media every now and then. I haven't heard a lot of information, of course I'm not in Europe and I don't know what the buzz is over there, if they're pushing that for racial tension. I haven't heard too much obviously, these horrendous rapes are taking place as they did in Egypt against women. This horrendous disrespect for human life and especially for this sacred women vibrational energy on this planet, it's one of the most heart rendering things I can distinct is this type of violence. What kinds of things can the regular people can do to help heal these goddess mediations? Do you think candlelight vigils in the street? What non-violent way can we bring awareness to this situation so it doesn't escalate in anywhere around the world actually.
COBRA – The first thing is of course, those kinds of goodness meditations which will bring more balance in this situation, and the next thing is to support women especially those who are targeted to give as much support as possible especially people who are living in the region and it is happening.
Rob – Ok. Thank you. We talked about this and to be honest, I've been watching the Corey Goode interviews and I think I'm up to episode 11 or 12. Tremendous information. It's a lot different than reading what people say and they kind of change some of his stuff. I really have a lot of respect for the information that is coming out there and again, there's no comment on the positive confederation and the benevolent Agarthan network yet by him.
He doesn't have that information or that contact. But the question is what does Cobra think of Corey Goode's claim of this A.I. nanite within the cosmos as well as on the earth. I mean, is this, this is still going on in certain segments of the galaxy do you think? . .
COBRA – No, not any more. And this one was termed as A.I. nanite infection was actually as our describing this plasma network with. . . It's the same thing with different terminology.
Rob – Cobra, I'd like you to comment on this. I'm sure you're aware of this. My understanding from contacts with Fred explained with his contacts with the Andromidans as well as our Pleiadians is that, and I've heard this from Dr. Frank as well.
. There is a plasma etheric field that is connected to the computers and technologies of many of the benevolent confederation forces. As I understand it, this is a fail safe technology as opposed to the A.I., that is manipulated controlled. This is a technology connected to the universal plasma field of light and love throughout the universe that will stop any computer or any negative activity within the technology. In other words, if it gets into the wrong hands, benevolent space Confederation technology could not be used for bad. Is there a positive connection to a universal intelligence that is connected to technology by the benevolent forces is used in a positive way.
COBRA – Yes, of course there is. The plasma is not all bad. There is of course also the positive plasma network, which is being used by the light forces to create galactic networks of light, and it's a positive light. It is something very beautiful and it can not be misused.
Rob – Yes, and I feel that a lot of our technology, although it's on the Jr. level, a lot of our sacred geometry, pyramids, crystals, your star-gates in different things like this are actually tuning into this and accelerating this process. Would that be correct.
COBRA – Yes, absolutely correct.
Rob – Thank you very much. OK Here's a question and it's a long story. You can keep it short. Someone wants to know the truth behind the Book of Mormon. Let's talk about the Book of Mormon and the experience of Joseph Smith first. Would those genuine contacts with benevolence and original information of Joseph Smith of value and benefit to humanity.
COBRA – They were genuine contacts at first and of course they got secretly distorted immediately after.
Rob – That's behind the second question, the truth behind the Book of Mormon and the LDS church. It's corrupted like any other religion and controlled to mis-lead people. We'll leave it at that.
Next question It says, we're totally open in our dreams and clairvoyant. Why are our higher guides not having frank conversations with us in our dreams to help us awaken to the truths of the reality and the real war of good and evil and in our life.
COBRA – One of the problems is the implants which were put into precisely to prevent that kind of connection. And when all the implants will be removed and when the veil, the plasma network and all this is removed also, there will be much stronger connections between the personality and the higher self and it will be quite more natural.
Rob – So lucid dreaming and things like that will become a lot more available after the event, a lot more contact, correct.
COBRA – Yes.
Rob – Alex Collier recently stated that our sleeping DNA is now beginning to vibrate and awaken at a higher level at ever before and obviously children are super powerful along these lines. Can you comment on the DNA. Are we going to be able to reconnect ourselves when the fence comes down and will our DNA accelerate it's growth so we can have a unified mind instead of a split mindset.
COBRA – DNA is just a consequence of expanded consciousness, so what will expand will be our consciousness and DNA will just adjust to this new frequency.
Rob – OK. There's a basic question here that I was kind of interested in. Right before W.W.II Italian troops invaded Ethiopia and Emperor Haile Sellassie went before the League of Nations to plea for his country.
Many regard his words to be prophetic and predicting WWII. The invasion of Ethiopia resembles the Vatican Vs the Ethiopian Orthodox church. Because we know the Archonic link with the Vatican, what was the real meaning behind this encounter.
COBRA – The Jesuits were behind this and of course the Jesuits wanted to impose their own version of religion on their reality. There were reality of mind programming in every country on the planet and this is why the Italian invasion in Ethiopia.
Rob – The communist regime took over in Ethiopia in the '70's. He was actually quarantined by the communists in the country there. He went into a church to pray and he was never seen again. Is it possible the benevolent forces took him or was he murdered or do you have any information about the many stories of his alleged dying or disappearance? Do you know anything about this?
COBRA – According to my intel he was taken by the negative forces.
Rob – That's not good news. He was a true lover of god and a great man and really cared for his people. Can you tell us about, there was a giant sky scraper fire in Dubai on New years eve. And there was a UFO sighted before the fire. Could be native one. Could you talk about it. Of course it didn't bring it down, but it was a giant sky scraper that was enveloped in flames and many people died. Any information on this Dubai sky scraper fire on New Years Eve.
COBRA – It was part of the Cabal's operations to instill more fear and lower the vibrational frequency on the planet.
Rob – Thank you. Now Korea claims to have detonated a Hydrogen Bomb. Most people are not buying it. Could you talk about that. Was it a regular underground nuclear test devised by the Cabal to create more fear.
COBRA – Yes, exactly. It was not a hydrogen bomb at all.
Rob – Ok. Good. This is a little fear base, but in regards to the David and Corey Wilcock information, they claim and it sounds pretty negative, you just answered, they said there are tentacles reaching everywhere, the internet people, even other galaxies. So I guess we already answered that. I just wanted to say that here. The other one, it's an interesting one, regarding your post in the master plan some time ago, they wanted an update on the specific information within the master plan and you don't have to go through all of it. Any salient points you'd like to address.
COBRA – But you need to ask that specific question, which part of the master plan they want to address.
Rob – Exactly, I know. We need specifics. Let's go on to, there's a lady who wrote this letter and you've probably heard of her and it sounds like a really good letter. She's got some many names in here. She says at the end of the letter. In service to his Holiness the Pope. Her name is Anna von Reitzinger. Its' a great letter talking about calling for an end to the financial system. Do you have any intelligence on this? Is this an accurate letter. Is this a mis-direction? It was done in 2014 and a lot of people were rallying around the tone of the letter. Any comment on that one. Do you know about it.
COBRA – I would need to see the letter before I could comment.
Rob – OK. It's been going around. It's pretty big over here. Could you talk about the significance of the Gobekki Tepe within 100 miles of Aleppo. JJ Hurtak had mentioned it a long time ago that that's a very important area and he was hoping the war was not going to be destroying these sacred sites. Can you talk about the significance of the Gobekki Tribe.
COBRA – They were a society which was actually having their great development and growth immediately after the fall of Atlantis. They were not the peaceful Goddess worshipper part of society unfortunately. They had quite strong connection with their Draco Overlords but they left some quite impressive monuments in the earth around, I would say 10% percent of this has been discovered or excavated.
Rob – Can you talk about the true esoteric meaning of the Eye of Horus. I've heard that it relates to our relationship between the pineal and pituitary gland when placed over the human physiology. Can you talk a little bit about the real meaning about the Eye of Horus. It's a multiple dimensional meaning but if you can give a short description of that.
COBRA – It is something that is called the one eye and one eye is an inter dimensional portal. In the middle of that which connects the physical brain to the etheric brain and your higher dimensional bodies and because of this inner organ it is possible for human brain to register thoughts and this is why we can think. This is why we can operate the physical body. It is not just the organ of inner vision, it is connecting the link which is part of the physical body.
Rob – Very good, so there we have the esoteric anatomy relationship of the inner eye. Going along those lines of spiritual enlightenment, the Rosicrucians on a certain level were taken over, but a tremendous amount of positive real information with in the Rosicrucians that we can't deny. Rosicrucians is named after morning dew according to some sources. Rose meaning dew and Crucian meaning crucible or flask. The Rosicrucian order is a picture of a rose flower with due droplets on the pedals. The order of the golden dawn is a secret society which was formed by members of the Rosicrucians which split off to form their own group. The name was chosen because it represents the primary source of the main ingredient for the elixir of life and the philosopher's stone.
There's another order called called The morning star which refers to the planet Venus when the moon as the sun rises, you can see the star when the morning due is at it's highest levels. Can you talk about morning dew as a sacred source or used as an elixir of life or anything of that nature. Tell us abut morning dew.
COBRA – This question obviously comes from somebody who is deeply initiated in mysteries because morning due is a code name of a certain essence. I will not say more. I will just say that in some circles it is known as the 16th color.
Rob – Can you talk about how it's used at all or do you know about that.
COBRA – Yes, I know about this but this is not something to be talked about openly on a radio show. If that person e-mails me to my e-mail I can discuss this privately.
Rob – I guess I wanted to ask you if you can talk about the Fatima incident and the how that look place. Obviously there was a cloud cover that came over that day. The people on the grounds saw the sun move, that was a space ship. I think we asked this long ago. Can you talk about the prophecies of the Fatima and why haven't the 3rd prophecy has never been revealed and can you tell us what it was.
COBRA – It was not revealed because it actually exposed the origin of the Roman Catholic Church and the prophecy was how it will be undone. So if that prophecy would be published in it's entirety it would actually expose the very back ground on which the Roman Catholic church was built.
Rob – OK. Thank you very much. One last note here, folks. On the intro some people have wanted to get the Cobra interview. It's real simple. This month we made it very clear demarcation between the intro and the interview. If you want to read the transcript, just scroll your finger. We thank you very much for tuning in here to the Victory of light. Again I want to indicate my support for Cobra, his mission, what he's doing and the information. We all have different band widths in areas of expertise and together we can hopefully put these pieces together of the puzzle. Cobra and I have spoken about this before and we both agree that this information is very important at the same time your own internal frequencies and how you connect to the source of all that is good, beautiful and true is very important for you to raise your vibrations and not to have any fear as we look at these tremendous transformations.
Cobra, thank you so very much for coming on. I'd like you to announce anything that is special going on for you and your website again, or if you have any parting messages for our listeners.
COBRA – Yes I have a few messages that I'd like to share but the first one is for people to continue with the weekly event meditations, the second one is for those who feel so guided to continue with meditations of Europe. They are still needed. It's possible to find instructions for those meditations on the right side of my blog. I have a lot of intel that I will reveal when the time is right. I don't know when this will be certainly when conditions are met, until people will have to be patient because there are many things I cannot say yet. I'm hoping that conditions will improve soon enough but I can not guarantee when this will happen.
Rob – Thank you very much. Also, Louise Polennza, who works with the Red Dragon ambassador wanted us to mention that she does have a global peace meditation and she's hoping to combine it with a group. We can't formally do it, the time is short by the time you got back from your trip.
All meditations are wonderful that calls for peace. There's a call for peace from Louisa who's organized that and this is non-denominational. It's not supporting any information in regards to financial stuff. It's a peace effort. So with that I wish to thank you all. Victory to the light.
And thank you for coming on again Cobra and I hope everyone around the world that we're still brothers and we can agree to disagree but we're all working toward the same mission of liberation of the planet. Thank you Cobra.
COBRA – Thank you very much.
Rob – Victory to the light folks. We'll see you next month. Sorry this one is so late. Cobra was away for almost 10 days there.
Peace unto the Planet
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