There's some news items here that may be of interest to some. I've no idea what "the shenanigans" are that are mentioned here.
I do believe that the "cabal takedown" is going on, and there are many involved, including each of us, as we share what we learn.
Here are a couple highlights. Videos are at the end of post.
"The good news is that the Global Accounts are soon to be opened.
"The reality is that we are all being killed off by the hands of the cabal every single day... This is the fight we must bring to them!..To do this we have to wake up and acknowledge what is going on. We have to open our eyes and those of our children, our family, our friends and those that would be our friends. All of our lives are at stake here."
The Boys Respond To The Cuckoo's Nest And More
By The Keenan Team
Our site has been quiet of late, but Neil knows that everyone looks forward to some word about what's going on. So amidst this ongoing "lockdown," he takes a much-needed, short break from all of the intense work for a bit of amusement as well as to provide a bit of information.
The latest shenanigans by Denise and Jean are "pure bull" as Neil puts it. He's not going to let them get away with much, and in fact, he is going to devote an entire Facebook page to them and what they call "pornography."
Come on girls, this is 2014 not 1924. Granny pants are out, bikinis are in, and hey, it seems no public personality is without groupies. Because Denise and Jean are very obviously not happy or young, they feebly attempt to try to condemn those who are.
The good news is that the Global Accounts are soon to be opened. But war is at hand and the transition to the world we want to see will not be a smooth one. The members of the cabal walk freely among us every day and they need to be called out on the crimes that they are perpetrating. Neil declares: "Grab them all by their necks and drag them in the street. This will wake their asses up!"
The reality is that we are all being killed off by the hands of the cabal every single day. We see the chemtrails in our skies every day. We know the deadly effects of their man-made viruses and lethal vaccines. We know that the GMO foods are poison to our bodies. They are trying to eliminate us without them having to dirty their own filthy hands. This is the fight we must bring to them!
To do this we have to wake up and acknowledge what is going on. We have to open our eyes and those of our children, our family, our friends and those that would be our friends. All of our lives are at stake here.
While the Cabal sleeps, we worry about what they are doing to us. Let's turn the tables on them and not allow them to sleep. Let's make them worry, and let's get rid of those jokers in the White House.
Rattle some cages in any way you can – every day counts! It is time to take back what is ours. Our destiny is in our hands.
Neil sends his sincere thanks each member of the Keenan Team for their tireless efforts and also to all of our patient supporters. We hope to be back soon enough with news on the fruits of all of Neil's work.
The Keenan Team
Video Part One
Video Part Two
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