IMG_8376.JPGThis is a time when it seems all I know are being called to stay flexible. Fluid. "In the flow." (and all that metaphysical kind of stuff).

There's a few I know that are experiencing the call to remain that way... flexible.

The Divine (whatever that means) Feminine (whatever that means) is coming into the planet very strongly right now. It is MANifesting, no WO-MAN-ifesting, with an intensity that I've personally never experienced before. It's coming into and through the planet, into and through the male bodied ones, into and through the female bodied ones, into and through the animals, into and through the plants, into and through every single "country" region, on this Gaia Being.

Don't like it? Well, then, just "fluidize" yourself. Allow yourself to be fluid. Flow with it.

We'll all get there, wherever that is, if we remain fluid.

Aloha, KP