Monday, June 9, 2014

Prajna Capital

Prajna Capital

Reliance Corporate Bond Fund - NFO

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 05:16 AM PDT

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Reliance Mutual Fund has launched Reliance Corporate Bond Fund, an open-ended income scheme that will invest predominantly in corporate bonds of various maturities and ratings to achieve regular income and capital appreciation. The new fund offer is open currently and will close on 20 June.

For further information contact Prajna Capital on 94 8300 8300 by leaving a missed call

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Best Performing Mutual Funds

    1. Largecap Funds Invest Online
      1. DSP BlackRock Top 100 Fund
      2. ICICI Prudential Focused Blue Chip Fund
      3. Franklin India Bluechip
      4. ICICI Prudential Top 100 Fund

B. Large and Midcap Funds Invest Online

      1. ICICI Prudential Dynamic Plan
      2. HDFC Top 200 Fund
      3. UTI Dividend Yield Fund
      4. Birla Sun Life Front Line Equity Fund
      5. Franklin India Prima

C. Mid and SmallCap Funds Invest Online

      1. Reliance Equity Opportunities Fund
      2. DSP BlackRock Small & Midcap Fund
      3. Sundaram Select Midcap
      4. IDFC Premier Equity Fund
      5. Birla Sun Life Dividend Yield Plus
      6. SBI Emerging Businesses Fund
      7. HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities Fund
      8. ICICI Prudential Discovery Fund

D. Small and MicroCap Funds Invest Online

      1. DSP BlackRock MicroCap Fund

2.Franklin India Smaller Companies

E. Sector Funds Invest Online

      1. Reliance Banking Fund
      2. Reliance Banking Fund
      3. ICICI Prudential Banking and Financial Services Fund

F. Tax Saver Mutual Funds Invest Online

1. ICICI Prudential Tax Plan

2. HDFC Taxsaver

      1. DSP BlackRock Tax Saver Fund
      2. Reliance Tax Saver (ELSS) Fund

G. Gold Mutual Funds Invest Online

      1. Relaince Gold Savings Fund
      2. ICICI Prudential Regular Gold Savings Fund
      3. HDFC Gold Fund
      4. Birla Sun Life Gold

H. International funds Invest Online

1. Birla Sun Life International Equity Plan A

2. DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity

3. FT India Feeder Franklin US Opportunities

4. ICICI Prudential US Bluechip Equity

5. Motilal Oswal MOSt Shares NASDAQ-100 ETF

Pay salary to spouse and reduce your tax

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 03:56 AM PDT

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If you are running a business, you can reduce your tax liability to a great extent by paying salary to your family members. But don't go overboard while doing so, warn experts. "Qualification does not necessarily mean a certificate, degree or diploma. A person having skill, experience and competence in a particular line of work can be regarded as professionally qualified."

Businesspersons can reduce their tax by paying salaries to their family members. But don't go overboard, warn experts. Nimesh Desai has hired two employees to run his sweet shop.

However, without his wife assisting him in his business, he would have found it tough. His two children had also been chipping in whenever they can. But, last year, when Desai was asked by his tax consultant whether he pays salary to his wife and children, he was at a loss for words. It had never crossed my mind. In fact, it was good to know that I was within my rights to pay my family members a salary that they actually deserved. He was equally surprised when he was told that he would save a great deal on his tax outgo. The tax benefit was an added advantage. And, this year, he is in a position to reap the rewards of `hiring' his wife and children when he files his income tax return.

But, does it really translate into considerable savings? Yes, it does, especially so, if the family members are not in the income tax bracket or at the lower tax brackets, because the combined tax liability of the family comes down significantly.

However, you cannot breach certain fundamental norms in your efforts to minimise your tax outgo. First, the expenses should be legitimate. You can claim only legitimate expenses incurred for business as deductions. And, since this is a related party transaction, it should be done using the arm's length rule. Note: The income tax department is wary of "related party transactions" and, typically, runs a check to ensure there's no tax fraud. The terms, "related party transactions" and "arms length", are not defined in the IT Act, but there are several provisions that mention them.

Definition of relative The provisions about "relative" vary according to the status of the entity, i.e., whether it is a proprietary concern, partnership or limited company. In a proprietary concern, "relative" would include husband, wife, brother, sister and any lineal ascendant or descendent of the proprietor. Similarly, relatives of a partner with more than 20% profit share will be defined as "relative" in case of partnership firms or limited liability partnerships. For limited companies, the cut off is 20% of the voting power of the company.

Qualification of the person The "arms length" rule looks into two factors: qualification and reasonable. A proprietor can pay remuneration to a family member, but on the basis of his or her qualification: education, experience and contribution to the business. The IT Act does not lay down any monetary ceiling or restriction on payment of remuneration, but Section 64 (1) (ii) says if the payment is made to a spouse who does not have technical or professional qualification, the remuneration paid would be clubbed with the income of the individual proprietor. However, the Act does not define what the qualification should be for each job.

Courts in India have interpreted that professional qualification does not necessarily be in the form of a certificate, degree or diploma. A person having skill, experience and competence in a particular line of work can be regarded as professionally qualified. Therefore, Desai's wife and children are eligible as long as they have a significant contribution to the business, such as having the skill to make sweets or managing the counter or maintaining the accounts. Keep it reasonable Section 40 A (2) of the Act gives the right to the income tax officer to disallow any expense if he or she feels that the payment made is excessive or unreasonable compared to the fair market value of the services in connection with the legitimate needs of the business. The proposition on which the argument is based is whether the same remuneration would be paid to a person if he or she was not a relative of the proprietor. If the answer is yes, then the payment amount would be considered as reasonable for the purpose of business and, therefore, will be allowed. In the above mentioned example, if the family members were not helping him, the proprietor would have been forced to hire a few more employees and, therefore, the salary given to the family member is reasonable

Additional precautions You can make an expenditure claim as long as you can prove before the income tax authorities that it is a genuine and reasonable claim. With that in mind, you should take several precautions. First, make sure that the payment made to your family members is through cheque and not cash. It is also important for the family member, who gets the salary, to file tax return even if he or she is not required by the law to do it, i.e., it is not compulsory to file tax return if the income is below the taxable limit.

For further information contact Prajna Capital on 94 8300 8300 by leaving a missed call

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Best Performing Mutual Funds

    1. Largecap Funds Invest Online
      1. DSP BlackRock Top 100 Fund
      2. ICICI Prudential Focused Blue Chip Fund
      3. Franklin India Bluechip
      4. ICICI Prudential Top 100 Fund

B. Large and Midcap Funds Invest Online

      1. ICICI Prudential Dynamic Plan
      2. HDFC Top 200 Fund
      3. UTI Dividend Yield Fund
      4. Birla Sun Life Front Line Equity Fund
      5. Franklin India Prima

C. Mid and SmallCap Funds Invest Online

      1. Reliance Equity Opportunities Fund
      2. DSP BlackRock Small & Midcap Fund
      3. Sundaram Select Midcap
      4. IDFC Premier Equity Fund
      5. Birla Sun Life Dividend Yield Plus
      6. SBI Emerging Businesses Fund
      7. HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities Fund
      8. ICICI Prudential Discovery Fund

D. Small and MicroCap Funds Invest Online

      1. DSP BlackRock MicroCap Fund

2.Franklin India Smaller Companies

E. Sector Funds Invest Online

      1. Reliance Banking Fund
      2. Reliance Banking Fund
      3. ICICI Prudential Banking and Financial Services Fund

F. Tax Saver Mutual Funds Invest Online

1. ICICI Prudential Tax Plan

2. HDFC Taxsaver

      1. DSP BlackRock Tax Saver Fund
      2. Reliance Tax Saver (ELSS) Fund

G. Gold Mutual Funds Invest Online

      1. Relaince Gold Savings Fund
      2. ICICI Prudential Regular Gold Savings Fund
      3. HDFC Gold Fund
      4. Birla Sun Life Gold

H. International funds Invest Online

1. Birla Sun Life International Equity Plan A

2. DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity

3. FT India Feeder Franklin US Opportunities

4. ICICI Prudential US Bluechip Equity

5. Motilal Oswal MOSt Shares NASDAQ-100 ETF

Reliance Corporate Bond Fund

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 02:44 AM PDT

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Reliance Corporate Bond Fund NFO has opened for subscription from 6th Jun 2014 to 20th Jun 2014. The key features of the scheme are as mentioned below:

Type of Scheme

An Open Ended Income Scheme


Crisil Composite Bond Fund Index

Fund Manager

Mr. Prashant Pimple & Mr.Jahnvee Shah

New Fund Offer (NFO) Period

06th Jun 2014 to 20th Jun 2014.

Minimum Application Amount

Rs. 5000 and in multiples of Rs.1 thereafter

Plans/ Options Offered

Growth & Dividend Option

For further information contact Prajna Capital on 94 8300 8300 by leaving a missed call

Leave a missed Call on 94 8300 8300

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You can write back to us at

PrajnaCapital [at] Gmail [dot] Com


Invest Mutual Funds Online

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Best Performing Mutual Funds

    1. Largecap Funds Invest Online
      1. DSP BlackRock Top 100 Fund
      2. ICICI Prudential Focused Blue Chip Fund
      3. Franklin India Bluechip
      4. ICICI Prudential Top 100 Fund

B. Large and Midcap Funds Invest Online

      1. ICICI Prudential Dynamic Plan
      2. HDFC Top 200 Fund
      3. UTI Dividend Yield Fund
      4. Birla Sun Life Front Line Equity Fund
      5. Franklin India Prima

C. Mid and SmallCap Funds Invest Online

      1. Reliance Equity Opportunities Fund
      2. DSP BlackRock Small & Midcap Fund
      3. Sundaram Select Midcap
      4. IDFC Premier Equity Fund
      5. Birla Sun Life Dividend Yield Plus
      6. SBI Emerging Businesses Fund
      7. HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities Fund
      8. ICICI Prudential Discovery Fund

D. Small and MicroCap Funds Invest Online

      1. DSP BlackRock MicroCap Fund

2.Franklin India Smaller Companies

E. Sector Funds Invest Online

      1. Reliance Banking Fund
      2. Reliance Banking Fund
      3. ICICI Prudential Banking and Financial Services Fund

F. Tax Saver Mutual Funds Invest Online

1. ICICI Prudential Tax Plan

2. HDFC Taxsaver

      1. DSP BlackRock Tax Saver Fund
      2. Reliance Tax Saver (ELSS) Fund

G. Gold Mutual Funds Invest Online

      1. Relaince Gold Savings Fund
      2. ICICI Prudential Regular Gold Savings Fund
      3. HDFC Gold Fund
      4. Birla Sun Life Gold

H. International funds Invest Online

1. Birla Sun Life International Equity Plan A

2. DSP BlackRock US Flexible Equity

3. FT India Feeder Franklin US Opportunities

4. ICICI Prudential US Bluechip Equity

5. Motilal Oswal MOSt Shares NASDAQ-100 ETF

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