UFO Destroys Ukrainian Border Military Post Complex! What On Earth Was That?This was too curiously amazing for me to pass up. My suggestion for viewing, listen to the guy describe this for about a minute, then go to 10:20 to see the actual video (man, this guy talked for 10 minutes and 20 seconds about this and still hadn't shown the video. I got to a point where I said, "Just show me the video, dammit!"). Anyway, perhaps this is some kind of "Galactic" assistance orb?

[From the article:] "This is my weeks most interesting story about UFOs. Here we have one man explaining an attack on a Ukrainian Post Border Base, showing a bright orb in the presence of a series of explosions all within a few frames. The line here is that this object moved at a very unusual flight pattern and one man caught on to it and published this detailed video for the viewing public. Enjoy it, its 15 minutes long but he gives a credible story along with video analysis of the object frame by frame.

Source: http://ufodi.blogspot.com/2014/06/ufo-destroys-ukrainian-border-military.html