All I will add here, is that, as the last Lauren Gorgo and Wanderer posts mention, change is happening, but not necessarily all at once. In steps. Some of it gradual. But this Poof message backs up the point that it is happening.
- ...the "rastas", they view all mankind as Jah's children, white, black, green, or indifferent. They refer to all this crap going on in the world as the works of 'Babylon', so our job as Jah's children, is to work to be rid of it.
- ...there is No one a pure anything, the dna is scrambled all over the world.
- The aryans had their start from the taklan basin in western china... they traveled east and west, bringing that yellow red color skin everywhere... Ghengis Khan went further. Admiral Jeng He took his armada of ships all over the world...
- ...history is calling everyone back to their roots and it is effecting the banking system. These hotshots who have had the power... are being foreclosed upon... the bulk of the central banks of the world are owned by the dragon clans of china.
- ...the [Iraqi] dinar thing, behind all these revals out here, were the dragons, because they created the new banking system we are moving to.
- They also promised to handle the heavy lumber out here, which was why last week's sting operation went down.
- 30 years ago, the st germain folks told me, 'we are shifting the wealth of the world' and the bad guys would not even get a sniff of the people's wealth, now I'm watching how they are living up to that promise.
- When they linked with the dragons, I could see major forces unite for the benefit of humanity. Forces to [too] vast and powerful for the bad guys to stop.
- ...the world is about the change vastly and the nasties don't like it but they are power less to stop as they face a force beyond their comprehension to deal with it.
- Don't expect the politicians to reflect a concern for your welfare, they are concerned only with their own butts right now and they hope against hope they will escape the purging about to happen in DC. This doesn't get any 'formers' out of jeopardy either.

Poofness 12-4-11..."What an Operation, The end to the ART of War ... "
Greetings and Salutations;
One thing you have to understand about the "rastas", they view all mankind as Jah's children, white, black, green, or indifferent. They refer to all this crap going on in the world as the works of 'Babylon', so our job as Jah's children, is to work to be rid of it. First of all, of course, you have to know you have been victimized. If you realize how you've been abused, you just say, that's the way it is, and keep accepting the refuse they give you and keep the game of division, they've taught you as 'normal'. Remember, this?
If you're white, you're alright, if you're black, step back, if you're brown, stick around. Like Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' just keep repeating untruth until it's taken up by the public, then it becomes what? an accepted fact. I have done enough study on the movements of tribes across this planet and there is No one a pure anything, the dna is scrambled all over the world.
The aryans had their start from the taklan basin in western china so when their civilization broke up they traveled east and west, bringing that yellow red color skin everywhere they went. Ghengis Khan went further. Admiral Jeng He took his armada of ships all over the world, carrying chinese dna to the furthest reaches of the earth. Once a person starts into their own roots, no telling what they'll find.
I said all this because history is calling everyone back to their roots and it is effecting the banking system. These hotshots who have had the power for the last few hundred years are being foreclosed upon for not paying for what they borrowed to get started. Vast institutions are being effected's money so that only makes sense. Perhaps many of the readers don't know, the bulk of the central banks of the world are owned by the dragon clans of china. So this move this past week to the rescue of europe was a move by the dragons and it was not coming out of the tax payer. Of course that makes for great political fodder doesn't it.
That's like the [Iraqi] dinar thing, behind all these revals out here, were the dragons, because they created the new banking system we are moving to. The europeans know it and were even bitching because things look like they are not stepping in as they promised. They also promised to handle the heavy lumber out here, which was why last week's sting operation went down. The us big wigs have 2 big worries, Interpol and the Texas Rangers [kp note: one of the owners of the Rangers is GWBush]. If you're dirty they'll get you, Jamie Dimon is in jeopardy now, for his actions with MF Gobal [Global] and all that worth less paper he invested in. He t orqued off the owners of JPM and that was not wise. Yes, the inscrutable ones have great patience, but once it's used up, they move quickly and extract a great toll. They already know where you'd run so the escape routes are already cut off.
30 years ago, the st germain folks told me, 'we are shifting the wealth of the world' and the bad guys would not even get a sniff of the people's wealth, now I'm watching how they are living up to that promise. My help was enlisted at that time, the how was given later. Hold this damn torch up until they got it done...sigh. When they linked with the dragons, I could see major forces unite for the benefit of humanity. Forces to [too] vast and powerful for the bad guys to stop. Technologies will come off the shelves held by huge companies like GE, boeing, even GM to benefit people as the nasty guys no longer have the power to keep them away. The drug companies have been dispensing poison to people and are in their waning days..along with the fda and the ama. Any 'rasta' man will tell you, everything meant for mankind's health is growing right out of the earth. There's a cancer cure but, they can't turn it into a synthetic so it remains in the ground, growing. Yes, the world is about the change vastly and the nasties don't like it but they are power less to stop as they face a force beyond their comprehension to deal with it. Not like they didn't know it was there, they just didn't want to admit their position before it...they damn sure didn't want you to know, the vatican is forefront in knowing what's up.
Ok folks, I'll need another week of input to say anything useful, this is just to let you know, nothing has stopped and the D9 continues coming to your front door. If you hear a diesel running outside your front door, that may be your day for freedom. Don't expect the politicians to reflect a concern for your welfare, they are concerned only with their own butts right now and they hope against hope they will escape the purging about to happen in DC. This doesn't get any 'formers' out of jeopardy either. Justice is going after the republicrats....past and present. I see cheney is really starting to sound like darth vader now. Another production of their alternate technology they keep hidden from the people...I do Not refer to that crap he has in his chest acting like a heart pump. The heart is more than something to push bloo d around your body. It is the heart that's the seat of intelligence, not the brain. Now you know what's wrong with half of these folks. I have for a long time called them a bunch of reptiles. Crocodile tears they gives us, and we should feel sorry for them.
Have a wonderful future and follow what your told, the old grey mare ain't what she used to be. Don't be a lottery winner and lose it all shortly for doing something stupid.
Love and Kisses,
Babylon System lyrics (
Artist: Bob Marley
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